
Responses from sedond

Small Speakers w/ Full Range Sound
small speakers? small footprint? kinda confusing. is placement a problem? can they be out from the walls? even an excellent mini-monitor mounted properly on stands will take up the same basic amount of space as many large floor-standing speakers. 
Cleaning Vinyl - this is arthur salvatore's www; he still has some of these kieth monks record sweepers on his site, so mebbe he still has a few - they're n.o.s. there seems to be some carbon-fibre mixed in w/the animal-hair on the ... 
Great sound possible using a Subwoofer?
subs *will* help your set-up. note, i said *subs*. getting only one will degrade your sound, you gotta get two. it is definitely easier to cross subs over to speakers that already have decent low-end. a steep-sloped active x-over is also helpful. ... 
Martin Logan CLSIIz - adding more bass?
re: x-over, definitely go active. i don't think you'll touch the quality of db systems or marchand electronics at anywhere near their prices. use at least a 24db/octave slope w/electrostatics. 
I need tube sound without the tubes
try a used electtrocompaniet amp - a bit higher than your budget, but not your typical harsh solid-state sound. 
Anybody know about "tube buffers".
i have a z-man ase w/nos mullard tube. my (s'phile class-c) nad cd player is not suitable for serious listening w/o it. 
Best Sub - Rel or Vandersteen
whatever brand you choose, yo must get a pair, for accurate soundstaging; i don't care what anyone says! for value, you can't beat vmps - you can get a pair of their top-model subs, active x-over, & amp(s), for the price of *one* decent sub. a... 
Most detailed speakers in 1K range?
meadowlark hot-rod kestrals are musical speakers, but detailed, they're not. try proac, aerial, dynaudio, ae, meret, for starters. the linn speakers are also more detailed than the meadowlarks. 
prefer tight well-defined bass? get a pair of vmps larger subwoofers, a marchand 24db/octave x-over, a used hi-power amp (rotel, adcom, parasound, aragon, etc). this will cost ~$2k. then audition lotsa monitor speakers - proacs, dynaudio, diapason... 
Does speaker cable length really matter?
while length *is* important, what *really* matters is girth... 
Hi Fi Car Audio
who *cares* if ewe can get good audiophile-quality sound in a car? if your car is fun-to-drive, the *on* knob of the stereo won't even get turned-on. if yure really doing audiophile listening in yer car, i sure as hell hope yure not driving while ... 
Martin Logan CLSIIz - adding more bass?
i'd suggest a pair of subs crossed over @ 60-70hz, w/a min of 24db/octave slope. i'd also suggest a pair of vmps larger subs. these are *awfully* hard to find used, but even brand-new, there's nothing that approaches 'em at anywhere near the price... 
Martin Logan CLSIIz - adding more bass?
i'd suggest a pair of subs crossed over @ 60-70hz, w/a min of 24db/octave slope. i'd also suggest a pair of vmps larger subs. these are *awfully* hard to find used, but even brand-new, there's nothing that approaches 'em at anywhere near the price... 
Subwoofer for Magnepan 1.6?
rehan said he dint have much luck w/his larger vmps subs x'd over at 40hz-12db/octave. amazing he even got "close", as he says - 12 db/octave is much too shallow a slope for electrostatics - you need at least 24db/octave. the vmps are great subs -... 
Hi Fi Car Audio
hi-fi audio? buy an alfa romeo, yank the radio, & listen to that motor sing!