Responses from sfgak
Favorite Albums Not in the Mainstream Found on Streaming Services @jsalerno277 Thanks for the Cunningham Bird recommendation. Some interesting takes on the originals. I appreciated their nod to Bach's Air on a G String in their cover of Crystal. And Lola (My Love) was reminiscent of Suzanne Vega's style on Solit... | |
Why do I have to prove I am a human, every time I refresh a page on this site ? I’ve noticed I’m asked to prove my humanity on Audiogon whenever I’m browsing while outside the United States. It is annoying. Can’t you just set a session cookie after presenting the challenge the first time? | |
Favorite Albums Not in the Mainstream Found on Streaming Services @jsalerno277 Oops... I misread your post to be asking for favorite albums not in the mainstream and also not on streaming services... As far as I know, Buckingham Nicks was never released in any digital form. I know there are at least two rips fro... | |
Favorite Albums Not in the Mainstream Found on Streaming Services The original Buckingham Nicks album. | |
a rant @curiousjim I built the Hafler kits, DH220 and accompanying preamp. Great value for the money and time spent. It was definitely Class AB, with the huge MOSFET transistors and enormous heat sinks. I used the pair in one system or another for 40 yea... | |
Rays Tubes @emergingsoul I really like their pizzas. Famous, Original, or Famous Original? | |
Rythmik Audio on The Intellectual People Podcast @jtwrace Thanks for posting this. I own a pair of Rythmik subs and couldn't be happier. Brian Ding makes a great product at very reasonable prices. I've add this video to my listening queue and looking forward to hearing what he has to say. | |
Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both? Looking at the fingerboard is definitely not good for my neck so I'm currently experimenting with postural changes to see if I can lessen the negative impacts. @stuartk Just don't end up like this: | |
Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both? When I’m paying close attention to the music, I tend to have my eyes closed and the lights dimmed. I think that by reducing other sensory inputs, my focus on the sound is heightened. I am an amateur musician, and when I play guitar, it is often w... | |
Are EL34 based amps more musical than KT series based ? Or it's purely a matter of design? IMO purely a matter of preference. I have sets of both, but generally lean towards the EL34 sound… finesse over power 😉… | |
Subs? +1 for multiple subs. If your mains go very low, like your 804 D3's, you're stuck with trying to balance two issues: imaging (driven by speaker placement) and room modes (dictated by speaker placement). You would be incredibly lucky if your soluti... | |
What does your Virtual System page say about you? Thanks, @ghdprentice ! | |
What does your Virtual System page say about you? @macg19 Ain’t nothing wrong with being a 3! | |
What does your Virtual System page say about you? OK, finally listed a Virtual System https://www.audiogon.com/systems/11907 Thanks for the push, @ghdprentice @jond and others. Please forgive the messiness; this is a temporary location and I’m just not putting any work into clean cabling / ro... | |
What does your Virtual System page say about you? @carlsbad2 You are assuming all order is a conscious decision. Subconscious could be enlightening, too. I know some people who stock their pantry all labels facing forward, and some who are more haphazard. May not be a conscious decision, bu... |