
Responses from sgordon1

What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost?
Your answer: start with 100% and subtract 10%  
Merry go round
OP you are simply bending your words and staying on the merry go round, instead of discovering that hilde45 is offering a most graceful exit.  Hence, you ARE the merry go round, in that you are continuing to demonstrate that you are a prisoner of ... 
My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review
How does removing SDFB change the sound?  
Merry go round
Maybe a measure of satisfaction is when average quality recordings sound “good,” and lousy recordings sound “tolerable.”  The great recordings are icing on the cake.  
“My experience (belief or assumption), because it seems (IS) so correct, so right, (for me), MUST be the only possible experience, for others, too.”  (This is far different from the D-K Effect.) As in “cables (fuses, etc.) don’t (can’t possibly) ... 
Thinking about buying new Grado Headphones
Why not invest in addressing tinnitus with a qualified professional?  Moderately priced headphones will sound good, as a result.  This my experience with Grado SR125 and Widex 440 hearing aids.  
You’re working on the wrong end of the problem.  Get an exam by a licensed audiologist and listen to their feedback on how to best address your issue.  
Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems?
For me, it is a willingness to learn, ask questions and periodically examine what I am doing.  And to remember that the pursuit of great sound is more a journey than a destination. If you know anything about the human body and proper exercise tec... 
Can you recommend Jazz for some one that doesn't like Jazz?
Why not start at the beginning?  What have you heard that you like?  What have you heard that you don’t like?  This way, you may receive better targeted and more valuable responses; make sense?  
The Disappearing Act
For “disappearing speakers,” Steinmusic Blue Diamonds are working well for me.  Since I placed them on top of MartinLogan Expression 13a speakers, all music sounds noticeably better.  How?  The sound is not limited by the height of the speaker; it... 
Starting my showroom again
Have you thought of visiting showrooms in similar-sized towns?  You may be able to take the owner to lunch, to learn about what is working, and what to avoid.  (As long as they don’t see you as a potential competitor.)  Or, you may be able to iden... 
If a tree falls in the forest…
To read enlightening responses like yours.  
If a tree falls in the forest…
My experience of your system would be uniquely mine, as your experience of your system is uniquely yours.  Since we are dependent on language to communicate our perceptions, how can your “meeting of the minds” possibly be accomplished, either toda... 
Why isn’t more detail always better?
In describing a new album, jazz guitarist John Abercrombie said he was “getting back to the music instead of how the music sounds.”  This distinction, like many other ideas on this post, do not necessarily reflect enlightenment (as opposed to conf... 
How do you decide what to listen to? Same old stuff?
In what areas do you make choices easily and efficiently?  Pay attention to the strategies you are using successfully, and apply them to the “challenging” subjects.  For example, when you choose which shoes or pants to wear, how do you do it, what...