
Responses from shalmaneser

Aggrivated tinnitus from speakers?
It's not about the freq. I have a pair of NHT 2.5 towers as my daily drivers. Last week I fired up my Velodyne sub and began positioning & EQ'ing. Youch! My tinnitus lit up to a degree I've not experienced in a long time.  Eventually we came... 
Scams on Audiogon (McIntosh Amps)
I wouldn't say that. There was a tribe of thieves operating on some county roads that spanned a half dozen jurisdictions. When caught, individuals said they were making low six figures and the year or two in prison was well worth the risk. Crimina... 
Systems over $100k
Scroll faster!  
Infrasound and the other one, not sure of the correct name?
What does the word audiogon even mean?
Because AudioBuySell was clumsy.  
Systems over $100k
How about a system that costs $10,000 that sounds better than a $100,000 system?  
Thanks for writing. All is on the the table. Interesting brand name. I'll look into them.  
Soldered VS ...everything else
I can see how spades would work better - using the pressure of the screw for connection. That is if you can get good compression between the wire and the plug. With banana you're relying on spring pressure.  
NHT 2.5i VS NHT Classic 4
I've got a pair of 2.5s that I've had...forever... and have enjoyed them. The only question is: where to go from here? 4's? Something else? IS there anyone else who is offering as much/more value for the money?  
Picking an amplifier
That's what I thought. Audio isn't my specialty. It looks to me like the basic flaw in all these protocols is the failure to embed timing within the protocol. While that would expand the amount of data required & storage requirements at the pi... 
Picking an amplifier
Think this will do anything for PC->(usb)->DAC quality? 
Picking an amplifier
He's got it on Ebay Its the same one. After a couple exchanges, I offered him $825 via Ebay and he didn't get back to me. I might have offen... 
Picking an amplifier
I knew that. Thanks. I'm negotiating on the Yamaha. Trying to get him down from $950. The Essence STX II arrived today. Didn't get the daughterboard. 
Picking an amplifier
What's your go-to source for COAX S/PDIF cable? I don't have any local sources for testing.  
Picking an amplifier
Irony: front row center stereo VS 64 track recording.