

Discussions slaw has started

Songs where the chorus has just as much, if not more meaning than the main lyrics10606
Marvin Gaye "What's Goin' On" MFSL UDOS 45rpm466534
Which band IS really America's Greatest (rock & roll band)?9648200
Your (perfect) record227937
Someone please "(do) get me started"10857
For those of us over 60..10070141
The better (artist)....169919
This is juvenile...10452148
Remember your fellow audiophiles in NC8698
Aretha Franklin RIP151712
An "all time great song"141713
ACA...Amp Camp Amp...anyone built one?54125
I learned the hard way314717
Is there a "best" quality 5 pin DIN connector for phono cable applications?54154
Unforggetable song titals 189622