
Discussions sonicbob has started

Rotel RDV-1060 vs Rotel RCD-1072vs RCC-105548811
Marantz PM7200/ VS / PM700136220
Sound Valves VTP-100/101i Upgrades & Parts85071
Legacy Streamline,Parasound PLD-1100,Sunfire ???54283
In Wall Subwoofers in 2-Channel room ?21554
Pioneer TX-6500 lamps ?49872
Tuners which one is better ?23912
Marantz tuners. ST-55u & ST6000. Need manuals20620
MHZS Audio CD-66, Looks nice but is it any good ?2146614
3 amps bridged to 180wpc or a 5 channel amp,sound?19342
DK Design REF. MKII and Jolida JD-100A ???20141
Cd player for DK Design MKII, Jolida 100, of ????23812
Music Hall Maverick, Is it any good764610
Why so many Rotel RCD-1072 players for sale ?193759
Sound Valves VTA-70 Repair & Gold face plates67745