Responses from stanleylocke
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation | |
Hunting for an integrated for thiels cs 2.3. Anthem, Hegel, Bel Canto? | |
Preamp for Parasound A21+ with Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers | |
Tube vendors. | |
Solid State Power Amps | |
Levinson 436 Repair The Service Department 30 Unquowa Hill St Bridgeport CT 06604 203-331-0671 | |
Sonus Faber Nove II or III Be aware that Sonus Faber is doing a revision on the Sonetto line and there aren't any more available. So, be cautious about the trade-in value being offered. You might do better selling on your own; assuming you kept the original boxes and packin... | |
Tubes Recommendation for McIntosh Preamp This guy is very knowledgeable on MAC gear and what tubes work best with their various amps. | |
Speakers for Quad Artera Solus - non Quad I have it on very good information that the US Quad importer is no longer bringing in any the Z series. | |
Integrated amp: Component weight I have a Rotel Diamond Series RA-6000 in black available. 41.5 lbs. Contact me if you are interested. | |
Acoustic Sounds shipping boxes…free Recycle. | |
Manley Jumbo Shrimp Tube issue - where to buy qualtiy GE 5670W tubes | |
recommend PRAT Integrated amplifiers (not Naim) | |
Who does Krell KSA-150 rebuilds/recapping ?? Highly recommended. | |
Finally upgrading my amp |