Responses from stanleylocke
with Pathos Classic One MKIII Hybrid Integrated Amplifier The Pathos Classic One MKIII is 70 wpc at 8 ohm. Look at speakers with no less than 88 dB efficiency. What are your room characteristics? Are you looking for monitors or floorstander? | |
Why Don't you hear more about Audio Physics Speakers?? VANA Ltd had been the US Importer. AP is no longer listed on their product line. It can be assumed AP doe not have a NA importer. | |
Sonus Faber Sonetto III I have a pair available in wenge. Let me know if you are interested. I have an ad for Dynaudio Focus 380s on US Audiomart. You can contact me through that ad. | |
Recommendation for a modern Duntech Sovereign 2001 replacement | |
Anybody help me unload all of this on Audiogon…. | |
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!! @lihifiguy I feel the same way about Steven Tyler and "Aeroshit" | |
Help fine-tune my speaker search I have a pair of Totem Model 1 available. Note these are not the Signature edition. | |
Up to $4000US tower speakers for Jazz and Classical Music These fit in your sweet spot: | |
I have owned many Magnepans, but never this one and have always been curious about them Biggest mistake Magnepan ever made. Nothing good about them. | |
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers? Here's a pair of Cornwall III SE's for sale not too far from you that might fit the requirement. | |
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers? Curious to know what you don't (or no longer) like about your JA RM 25 Sigs. Granted they are probably not the most efficient speakers but they are nice sounding speakers. | |
Full range speaker for rogue 90 or 100 wpc amp. Room size, amplification and budget suggests Magnepan 1.7i | |
RIP Leon Redbone If anything, an interesting performer. | |
What is the best sound system you ever heard? Complete MBL system. Radialstrahler 101, 9011 amp, 6010 pre-amp, VPI Aries. |