

Responses from swede58

Finally added Accuphase to my collection
@dwest1023  How did the Accuphase 380 compare to the Int 250? I have heard the E800 against the Int 250.  
Gryphon Diablo 300 or Pass Labs Int-250 to Sonus faber Amati Tradition
@habermas If memory serves both were launched in 2015.  
Gryphon Diablo 300 or Pass Labs Int-250 to Sonus faber Amati Tradition
Since the Amati drops below 4 ohms in the bass I would go for the Diablo 300 which has much more current capability into low impedances than the Int 250.  
Maggie owners -- Mye or Magna Riser stands
@krelldreams I asked Wendell If the ”i” goes deeper than the original 3.7’s, he said; ”no, not really, it’s a tweak”. I guess he was referring to the damping pad behind the midrange which makes them slightly more laid back and warmer sounding.  
Maggie owners -- Mye or Magna Riser stands
however even Wendell Diller of Magnepan has said that the difference between the 3.7 and the 3.7i is very subtle. So, I can keep what I have, upgrade to 3.7i, or sell these and buy a brand new pair of 1.7i @krelldreams Based on what I have hear... 
Gryphon Diablo 300 vs Vitus RI-101
 It does not respond much to source or cable changes. ?! My D300 responded very well to a better power cord. I preferred the Diablo 300 over the Vitus RI101mkII, better looking too.  
Dual mono integrated amps
 Are there particular examples of integrated amps utilizing a dual mono design that do a particularly good job in this respect? Gryphon Diablo 300  
question of integrated amplification: PASS LABS INT 250 VS ACCUPHASE E-800
I compared the int250 against an E800 at a dealer and preferred the Pass. The Accuphase E800 was too polite for my taste. I did not like the appearance of it either. I ultimately decided on a Diablo 300.  
Ultimate Integrated amps
@dinus777  Thanks for the clarification. The Diablo 300 is a 85 pound beast of an integrated amp and can probably drive any speaker out there.  
Thoughts on Shunyata and Transparent?
Many Thanks for your input @nyev  Great help in my search for a realy good PC for my Diablo 300 but even my old Synergistic Research A/C Master Coupler is a clear improvement over the stock cord. A fuller, more authoritative bass is it’s stronges... 
Thoughts on Shunyata and Transparent?
@nyev Which pc did you decide on for your Diablo 300?  
Ultimate Integrated amps
@ghasley I will ask them after the holidays.  
Ultimate Integrated amps
@ghasley  I don’t know. Here are the same specs from the same mag for a a few other integrated amps. Accuphase E800: MCC pos: 63A neg: 60A (289 W into 2 ohms vs 1121 for D300). Boulder 866: MCC pos: 50A neg: 47A (717 W into 2 ohms) Luxman L-509X: ... 
Ultimate Integrated amps
@ghasley They state that the 21A for the Pass Int 250 was surprisingly low and the measurement for the Diablo 300 was one of the best ever. Sorry, but I don’t know how to post pics here but it says MCC Pos: 238A MCC Neg: 264A. Not sure what that ... 
Which integrated for Wilson Sabrina's
a very good power cord is a Must.    @audioman58 Which pc’s have your brother tried with the Diablo? Looking for a great power cord for my D300.