

Discussions tattooedtrackman has started

Recapping your amp 1919112
What is really the purpose of streaming??387736
Upgrading my Mark Levinson 38s to 380s Opinions please30510
Cant upload photos. 27704
Putting your components inbetween your speakers. 743642
Bi Amping my B&W Matrix 800s 325919
Rega Saturn R power cord {stock} wanted to upgrade to better quality power cord803127
Rega Saturn R digital download stick to the DAC. 54917
Really satisfied???327927
Krell KPS 20i cd player w/ Delta 9 upgrade 25360
Straightwire Crescendo VS. Virtuoso Speaker cable...38280
Krell KPS 28C CD Player1126710
Power Cord 20 amp for my Krell FPB 600 Amp.41469
B&W 800 MATRIX 1035626