Responses from tbg
What is the best DAC ever made? When? Now or next week? What are the chances there will be agreement? Why do you care? | |
soundproof a door Hueske, I think you are right but also that a solid door even if gasketed will much satisfy someone in the next room. I think his only real answer is to find another room. | |
High mass turntable owners -- What Stand? I have used a Mana Reference under my Walker, Loricraft 501, and now Shindo Labs. I found a special Neuance shelf added a lot, but then found the Acapella Silencio far superior. Then I tried the Halcyonic Micro 40 active isolation base on the Mana... | |
Tube takeover If you have compared Chinese and nos American tubes, you would be unhappy about the prospects. I do not think much of Russian made tubes either, however. Maybe the mafia will make better tubes. | |
Tube takeover There are no longer the American women with the knowledge of how to make them, as evidenced by Westrex.Get your NOS while you can; and if you care about your grandkids, lay in a supply for them. | |
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ???? I found the review again. http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_13_2/aurum-acoustics-integris-cdp-cd-player-4-2006-part-4.html | |
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ???? sirspeedy, I have heard that there is a home theater review comparing the HiFiTuning fuses with the IsoClean fuses that finds the IsoClean clearly better. I am sorry that I cannot recall where I read this, however. | |
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ???? I recently replaced all 5 fuses in my Esoteric X-01 LE with the IsoClean fuses and must say this is the biggest improvement I have heard with the IsoCleans. I have them throughout my system and always found they were an improvement, but the Esoter... | |
any experience with the Consonance 211 amps? Tickfight, it was the review that resulted in my buying a pair. Especially with NOS tubes they are exceptional. | |
EMM Labs vs. Esoteric X-01 Kana813, thanks for the heads up. I was unaware of other clocks, but read the 6moons review too quickly to further react.Guiidocorona, Fred seems to hold your opinion, saying that he thinks investing in a Halcyonic active isolation base may be mor... | |
Machina Dynamic Brilliant Pebbles? Geoffkait, you are right I did not buy directly from you. I have removed the rubber rings. What is the relative effectiveness of having them in the corners as they were demonstrated at CES relative to on the transport? | |
any comments on demagnitizing cds ? Okay, Hbarrel, call it what you want, just don't dismiss the benefits if you have not tried them. You can take a bulk tape eraser to a cd which I have done. It is not as good as what the Furutech does, but no one in my experience fails to hear the... | |
Is Direct Drive Really Better? Is it really possible to design the perfect turntable. I think not. I do not agree with Twl, that designers have a hole in their knowledge base. I think it is the knowledge base that has the hole. This and the absence of perfect materials. Interes... | |
Is Direct Drive Really Better? As a proponent of the "niche market" rim drive group, I would suggest that Eldartford omits probably the most important character of the TT-resonance frequencies. I grant that he does mention vibrations. My real question, as always, is how do spec... | |
Machina Dynamic Brilliant Pebbles? Dopogue, like so many tweaks, resonances seem to be the explanation. The same goes for speakers and suspending wires; doesn't it.I really don't know what is going on nor is our scientific explanation of much use. Trust your ears has always been my... |