Responses from tbg
Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers? Bo1972, how is the "platinum" series different? | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors Melbguy1, I sought to do just that but Audiogan has no such provision. I am certainly not commercial. But it suggests your desperation to denigrate the High Fidelity cables that you would dig it up. I make no effort to deny my reviewing. Do you hi... | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Sammons, so you can or cannot use the HFC Waveguide power center with US outlets for ac out? Today I heard the Waveguide used with another brand of pc into it and HFC pcs out. And it worked quite well. | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Ddraudt, I will bring another URR over today. | |
Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers? Bol1972, so you are just using three under each speaker. Four are always better than three in my experience. But one needs to have height adjustability to do this. | |
Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers? Bo1972, do you have to include a Stillpoints base to use the Ultra 6s? Is that included in the $900@ price? | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Sammons, does this mean that Rick has said you can use any cable from the wall to the Waveguide? If so, I humbly disagree. I have tried three different cables, some of which were quite expennsive, to the HFC Waveguide and the HFC URR is quite supe... | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors Bo1972, I admire your patience with assessing outlets and plugs. For once I wish there was total agreement on these. | |
Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store I have not had access to a dealer in almost 40 years. The nearest one is a hundred miles away and I'm not certain they are still in business. In the 1960s I had three dealers in a community of one fourth the size of my present community. The inter... | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors Bo1972, are the pcs otherwise identical?Audiolabyrinth, I have not taken them apart, but the IEC plug is much longer and probably contains many magnets.My fear in taking them apart is whether I could get put back together. | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Calvinj, next weekend several of us are meeting at David's home. Email me or David. | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors Bo1972, might I ask how you came to this conclusion? Personally I have liked the Oyaides R0 more than the R1. | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors Audiolabyrinth, ironically, when I put my dedicated line in 26 years ago, I had big tube amps and on turn on they kept tripping the 20 amp breakers. The electrician warned me about 30 amp breakers and I had them installed.I think a furutech fi-50(... | |
Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers? Bo1972, where are you going to use them? At CES they had them on their rack, not on the speakers where they used Ultra 5s.Has anyone tried the Ultra SS with the new spike? | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors Rafael0054, I had always thought that any plating had adverse effects on sound. I have two quite technically competent friends with the one hating rhodium and one loving it. I have no negative reactions to rhodium on power cords or outlets. I do h... |