
Responses from teajay

Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hey whoopycat, Great question! You might find it shocking that the Pass Labs DAC-1 performance is quite close to the present day reference level DACs. I hate using percentage statements, but I would say the DAC-1 gives you close to 85% of the sta... 
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Thanks guys, For your positive and supportive comments regarding both my motivation and professional reviews. I'm always trying to share my excitement about great pieces that offer great performance for reasonable prices that are built by people ... 
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hey audphile1, I have nothing but respect for Bricasti gear, have reviewed two of their DACs and one of their amplifiers. Great build quality and first rate sound performance. Do I believe the LTA Aero DAC out preforms Bricasti's best DACs? No, ... 
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hey mm1tt77, Compared to your PS Audio DS MK2 the LTA Aero will have a richer tonality and the individual images will be more 3D "meat on the bones" presentation. I find the PS Audio Direct Stream to sound like very good digital, but not as relax... 
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hey gentlemen,  My review on Stereo Times just went up on the LTA Aero DAC tonight. Hope you enjoy reading it and it gives a lot more details regarding why I wanted to share my excitement about this DAC's performance. Teajay  
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hey mitch2, Yes, I have heard the Mojo Audio DACs and they are quite my cup of sonic tea. I believe the LTA  Aero is more similar then different from your DACs. However, I believe because of the massive power supply/ZOTL tube based analog section... 
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hey tksteingraber, Your Lab12 DAC is an excellent performer. It does not become null and void because something performs at a higher level. The LTA Aero, in my opinion, significantly/qualitative is on a higher level of performance across the boar... 
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hey cleeds, I would not refer to my excitement about this DAC as a "hard sell". I have been a Audiogon member for years and professional reviewer for fifteen years. I try to share information on products I review that I believe offer outstanding ... 
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Hey danager, That's a great question. The LTA Aero is a qualitative  shift to a much higher level of dynamics, clarity, 3D imaging, much more pristine timbres/colors, and bass extension then the MHDT DAC. LTA used import/sell the MHDT Orchid DAC ... 
Qualio IQ owners, still happy?
Hey 0zzy62, In the next couple of weeks I will be getting in for review Qualio IQ SE for Stereo Times. I'll let you now what I think when I have some time to evaluate them. Teajay (Terry London)  
Major innovative break through: The new NSMT Loudspeakers reference speaker
Just received a phone call from Jeff, who had discussed the System 2 speakers with me after reading my review. He purchased a pair and they have surpassed his highest expectations. He was running a pair of much more expensive speakers that he beli... 
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
Hey Everybody, Just received three more Emails from Gon members who have bought the S5.5 in the last month or so who are enthralled with its performance, and appreciated the information on this thread and the Stereo Times review that lead to thei... 
New Review on AricAudio amplifier & speakers
Hey guys, The Stereo Times review was posted this morning.  Hope you enjoy reading it, Teajay  
New Review on AricAudio amplifier & speakers
Hey maxdukecapone, It should be up by next week.  
New Review on AricAudio amplifier & speakers
Hey lalitk, I agree with you that there is no "ultimate or best", but many wonderful pieces of gear on the market. However, Aric's new Spectre 12s are one of the 'best" speakers that I have experienced regarding how it performs with a SET amplifi...