Responses from ted_b
Treating the ceiling and floor, who else has had great results? Large room with high ceilings a wood floor here. I fitted a 10’x14’ area rug with 2 layers of carpet padding underneath between the speakers and my listening position. Before and after REW waterfall plots show a marked reduction in early reflectio... | |
Belden 8402, 8412, and 8428 @mitch2 It is interesting to happen across this discussion. After fooling with some boutiquey options, I was encouraged to try Belden 8428 following comments I had seen out of Asia and Europe. I terminated these with Neutrik gold plated XLR and gr... | |
Xangsane Cryo OCC vs Sterling Silver XLRs @stillbuyingtoys Ah, of course, that makes perfect sense - no reason to DIY anything given you have the option to return for a refund if dissatisfied. I am curious about the Xangsane silver although I suspect it may be a bit thin and dry in compa... | |
Xangsane Cryo OCC vs Sterling Silver XLRs An alternate option with the Xangsane XS-1105AG cable is to buy it in bulk ($60 USD/m) and DIY terminate using Viborg XM203AG and XF203AG solid silver conductor XLR connectors (~$40 USD/ea), which works out to roughly the same price as the termina... | |
DIY Spekon Cable For Rel The current draw is small due to the high impedance input, but this is still a high-level speaker connection from your amplifier output. It is not a low level, low voltage connection and you do not need shielded cable as with low level interconnec... | |
Linear Power Supply Recommendations! There are multiple options available for <$150 USD that provide solid voltage regulation and filtering with measurable ripple being <10μV and usually half that or less. That won't prevent some from making this exercise seem more expensive an... | |
Just received my LHY Linear Power Supply My experience concurs with others in that I’ve found that sensitive digital devices like DACs and streamers tend to respond favorably to linear power supplies that offer better filtering and regulation than cheap wall warts. These need not be expe... | |
Auralic Aries G2.1 connect to Holo Audio May KTE I agree with all of the above. One of the features you paid for (and received) with the Holo Audio May is USB implementation that features galvanic isolation and an accurate clock. It has been demonstrated both through independent measurements and... | |
Let's talk about Silver... Strikingly many anecdotal accounts of silver plated copper conductors begin with, "At first ...," across various brands and types of cables. This implies the combination of these metals at first gives an impression of increased resolution, which i... | |
ARE SUPER EXPENSIVE STREAMERS REALLY WORTH IT With SPDIF and I2S, the source controls the master clock. With asynchronous USB, the destination controls the master clock. As such, the quality of result with SPDIF and I2S is primarily dictated by the source implementation and vice versa with US... | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System Anything sent via USPS should be done with the expectation that a 2-3 day package may take up to 30 days. This is entirely due to poor performance by USPS in recent years and has nothing to do with the sender. Taking the sender to task is barking ... | |
Do I Really Need a Dedicated Streamer? There are numerous variables in play here, but perhaps the most significant question is if using your iPad as a source device maintains a bit perfect audio stream to the USB output. Interestingly enough, I believe there may an issue streaming Appl... | |
Large speakers plus EQ, what have you done? I have large floorstanders with usable response down to 25Hz, which fits your criteria. These are positioned in a very large room with good symmetry and minimal surface reflections. The crossovers are well designed and free of glaring flaws, yield... |