Past or current Green Mountain C-3 owners | tellefsen | 870 | 7 | |
Budget DAC recommendation for Office system | ghdprentice | 1806 | 24 | |
Replacement woofer for Green Mouintain Audio Europa | tellefsen | 1106 | 8 | |
Anyone tried a Gustard x-16 Dac/Pre? | blackbag20 | 4925 | 2 | |
Compare Purif-based amp vs Class A/B (Code No 8/ Halo JC-5/ Pass X-250/ Anthem STR) | tellefsen | 3355 | 4 | |
VTV Purifi amp models | clustrocasual | 10566 | 13 | |
Tube Research Samson Repair? | tellefsen | 1270 | 8 | |
To those who have moved on from Tube Research Labs Dude and/or Samson | joecasey | 4072 | 4 | |
Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC upgrade to Paua opinions? | tellefsen | 3219 | 5 | |
Surround Processor Upgrade to improve surround music? | mi4 | 3690 | 5 | |
Is anyone familiar with the process to bias the TRL Dude Preamp | anode4277 | 2195 | 7 | |
TRL Dude Dilemna | agear | 69025 | 96 | |
Opinions on Benz Gullwing SLR | audioquest4life | 11968 | 9 | |
Do Graham 2.0 and Vector 3 have same cutout? | tellefsen | 2638 | 3 | |
Opinions on OMA Anatase Lenco? | worldcat | 5457 | 2 | |