
Responses from testrun

Tube Integrated vs Tube Seperates
I've moved between integrated and separates a number of times throughout my 30+ years in this wonderful hobby.  At your price point there are many excellent options.  I owned a PrimaLuna HP and rolled power tubes up to KT 150.  I really enjoyed th... 
How critical is streamer hardware to SQ when it feeds a good DAC?
I own a Bricasti M3 with the Network card (streamer) option.  It streams very well.  I made the decision based on forum feedback, reduction of cables (interconnect and power), Bricasti's experience in the commercial market, their upgrade history ... 
What items do you rarely ever see offered for sale
Joseph Audio Perspectives AGD Amps.   
What Would Be the Reasoning Behind Leaving Class D Amps On?
I should clarify.  My amps are always on.  I implied they go into stand-by mode but that is not true for the amps.  It is true for my DAC and Preamp if / when I power down using the front switch.  The DAC never gets powered down and the Preamp whe... 
What Would Be the Reasoning Behind Leaving Class D Amps On?
It seems like most if not all recently designed equipment have a main power switch on the back with a power switch on the front that puts the unit in stand-by mode.  I’m not a double E but have to believe there is a good reason for this.  I have a... 
Lumin or Aurender
I went through the same process a couple of time.  In the end, determined I needed a dedicated music server, streamer and DAC.  Decided to get a DAC / Streamer combo to cut down on cables and avoid the USB questions.  I run ROON and source music f... 
Do you use a preamp in your HT system to improve sound?
No sorry.   Rogue RP-7 part of 2 channel system.   
Do you use a preamp in your HT system to improve sound?
I use a Rogue RP-7 with Bricasti M3.    
I’ve always wondered if continues auto biasing limits headroom?  I had a primaluna HP with KT-150’s and felt after a couple of years music was not that dynamic or engaging.  Probably my room, music preference and hearing.    
2022 Audio System Wish List and thoughts about streaming
Considering a new Hi-Fi Racks - 3 level rack and moving components from in between speakers to side wall.    Streaming - during 2021 purchased a Bricasti M3 with a network card and a SGC sonictransporter i5.  Set-up is working great in my room w... 
How do you explain audiophiles to your friends?
Everyone has hobbies.  When hobbies last for years they are addictions  I for one have the addition and an happy with it.  Just saying.  By the way the friend has their addiction or they have never explored life.  The saying around my house is “If... 
Audio Clubs - Charlotte, NC, Lake Norman Area, Mooresville, NC
I was wondering if there are any Audio groups on just interest in audio in the Lake Norman / Charlotte area.    
Beginner wishes to build tube amp
+1 for Bob Latino amps.  I built one a few years ago. Great instructions, great amp and Bob is available and more then willing to answer any and all questions.  More important his amps have a great following and have a market if you decide to move... 
New streamer or dac?
Going through a couple of interactions I decided to commit to Roon as my meta data manager and interface to my personal library, Qobuz and a couple of background Sonos systems.  Going that route I found my internet connection was intermittent at b... 
What are you using as a streamer? Constructive feedback please.
Network card in my Bricasti M3.  Works really well.