

Responses from thecarpathian

Can anyone identify this jazz singer?
I'm gonna say Lana Janjanin.  
Mystery with woofers. Help!
Perhaps the bass sounded adequate because they were acting  like passive cones.  
Streaming Leads to Brain Rot
Did any of you actually read the article?  
Am I crazy to upgrade?
@jkf011 , Where is the XPA-3 even mentioned??  
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
@grunge1000 , A good question not likely to receive a satisfactory answer for you. But, we hear what we hear. Who are we to judge either those who hear a difference or those who don't. Both are right. Those who hear a difference flat out hear a ... 
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
@richardbrand , Looking forward to the results of your experiment.  
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
@retiredfarmer , You understand completely??!🤔😆 I’m terribly sorry, you seem to have me confused with someone who gives people like you more than a passing thought. I do not. I trust this clears up any confusion you may have in the future.    
Help for me, money for you.
Save the $80 and take your Mrs. to lunch with it. I'm certain the learned good folks here will be happy to help sans monetary payment. Nice gesture, though.  
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
Ah, now I get it. Thank you.  
Do I need new tubes?
You can never have enough tubes!!  
What is the most important component in your audio chain?
That dopamine rush from the experiences of youth. To be that young and excited about the world and life again... How I wish you could wrap that up for Christmas.  
The # 1 Christmas Album
@knotscott , I too enjoy the effervescent music of Michael Bubbly! 😀  
Am I crazy to upgrade?
Thanks! Do you think the Tekton 5.2 would be much of an improvement over the 7.2 B&W? Sorry, can't offer an opinion on that. I've never heard that model B&W and I've never heard any Tekton speakers.  
Am I crazy to upgrade?
If you're going to pick them up new from the factory I would think quality control would test them for proper working order.  
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
Doesn't amperage play a part in this? I also don't see the correlation between changing the power source with changing the power cord.