

Responses from thyname

Why Power Cables Affect Sound
Sometimes I hear a difference when replacing a power cord with another, sometimes I don’t. I sell the cable that don’t bring anything better to my system. I keep the one that does. Then repeat.There are times where the difference is right off the ... 
Cabledyne Synergy Silver Speaker Cables
Huh? The Cabledyne Virtuoso 1.5 M power cord with upgraded NCF Furutech plugs costs $1,100. The top of the line Crystal Clear Audio Magnum Opus cable at 1.2 meter costs $3,000 on website. But I got it used, from an "insider" paying much less than ... 
Cabledyne Synergy Silver Speaker Cables
if you are looking for solid silver cables, like Cabledyne, my recommendation is to get Crystal Clear Audio Cables. They are also solid silver conductors, but much better built and much better sounding than Cabledyne.I have tried both. I admit onl... 
Music Streamer Quality
A streamer absolutely makes a difference. No question about it. There are people who would argue a streamer is even more important than the DAC.You can choose to buy a good streamer, and try for yourself, or listen to the Archimago cult, who think... 
How much difference does an anti-vibration audio rack make
Guys... guys... guys --- he was asking for a rack, not anti-vibration devices. Plenty of those available, that work.I use Stillpoints Ultra SS under all my equipment, and Isoacoustic GAIA for under my floorstanding speakers 
Aurender vs. Roon
Troy / Dave is 100% right to recommend Innuos! It is a great server, one of the best out there, especially for the money.And to be clear, you don't need Roon to use Innuos ZEN or ZEN Mini or ZENith. You can use use it with SqueezeLite endpoint, or... 
How much difference does an anti-vibration audio rack make
Good racks matter. A lot. I was skeptical and resistant on these for the past 10-12 years, until I put them in my own system.And they don’t have to be Uber expensive. Something like my Mapleshade Samson rack will do well. Not pretty, but it does t... 
Rack for Pass XA30.8
Mapleshade for sure. Especially the 4" thick ones 
Aurender vs. Roon
Very nice! It seems like you know what you are doing.You can still use your SOtM txulraUSB / sPS-500 combo on your ZEN USB out to your DAC. Most likely it will provide further improvement vs. simply USB out from ZEN.If you can afford it, go for ZE... 
Aurender vs. Roon
@grannyring  : what is your DAC? 
Aurender vs. Roon
William:I think you won't be disappointed with Innuos. They are great!I am a bit skeptical on using them for heavy DSP duties. Still.And I don't know how the comparison is relevant with the SOtM trifecta. None of those components is a Server. Innu... 
Aurender vs. Roon
Is this a question or a bait @grannyring From Innuos website:————-ROON LIMITATIONS WITHIN INNUOS SERVERSinnuOS Servers currently use Intel Quad-Core CPUs which are powerful enough for music server duties whilst maintaining the system fanless and l... 
Aurender vs. Roon
Most likely user error. Nucleus is pretty much set it and forget it with no maintenance whatsoever  
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@mzkmxcv: If you cannot differentiate MP3 and CD with $12,000 speakers, $9,000 Amp and over $6,000 DAC, then I seriously question your hearing. I am 100% serious on this. No joke.Over the course of a year that you have joined Audiogon (btw with ze... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
Funny that 2009 study is the first that comes up when I googled it, with a broken link.However, you were persistent enough to find it!A big sample of a whole 13 people! With a mean age of 27!!?Their second conclusion was fine, until the last part:...