

Responses from thyname

Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filtering system - Improving streaming sound quality
@mitch2 : Am I correct in understanding that your positive comments are based on the muon Pro being your first Network Acoustics product, and not an upgrade from the muon (non-Pro) or eno? That’s correct. I had never owned or tried any Network... 
Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filtering system - Improving streaming sound quality
One thing I just learned (after reading your comment), NA has reversed the flow of signal with Muon Pro. ENO with captive cord end always plugged into streamer but with Muon Pro, you now have an option to use Muon Pro LAN or your choice of LAN ca... 
Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filtering system - Improving streaming sound quality
I got the the Muon PRO streaming System this past Friday. I am so impressed, I couldn’t help but post an update here. I am totally aware some break in is required, but it totally transformed my listening experience right of the box. I am personall... 
Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like"
@wig what do you mean? Can you please elaborate? How did you replace the 4 fuses inside your KT88 amp with FB (what is FB?)? FB is the Swiss Fuse Box discussed here? I sincerely hope FB does not mean Facebook 😂🤔🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂😂  
Does streaming music equate to high concert ticket prices
It depends on which artist you like. I went a few days ago to a live performance of one of my favorite artists who happened to be in town. Small intimate venue. I paid more for parking my car than for the ticket. It was also cool to meet her manni... 
Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like"
I did speak Mark on the phone a couple times while I was trying to form a buying decision because I had questions about the two different fuse rating in my DAC, etc. He was super helpful and I got an honest and cordial vibe. Totally agree with ... 
Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like"
@cleeds : yes I thought the same when I read that link. But to be fair, there is this reference at the beginning, right after description: Read the long detailed AudiogoN Consumer review: Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like" The... 
Ethernet Cables
Panzerkampfwagen has a thing against Ethernet cables. 98% of his posts are in this topic. Not exaggerating   
Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like"
Thanks for sharing @gladmo ! Excellent and informative review! I don’t think I will ever try these, as I am too risk averse to experiment with these kind of power things , but I enjoyed your review. Thanks for sharing   
Music Server Advice
@communique1 @willywonka : thanks! Embracing Roon is a good move from Aurender. Actually Win-Win for both Aurender and Roon. It will open their markets to potentially larger audiences.  
Music Server Advice
I got word that Aurender will include Roon integration as an option in a few months Really? Aurender have said they will never ever integrate Roon for years now. And have been very vocal and firm about Roon. I am surprised. What was your source... 
Prospectives on Chi-Fi
What is going on here with all these usernames??? I am really confused 😕hmmm. How many usernames you have / had here Jerry?  
Prospectives on Chi-Fi
caprnoisesuckdbagass 1 posts 05-03-2023 at 04:18pm Funny. Maybe you douchebags should get a hobby!   LOL!!! I could not help but laugh at the choice of the new username. Funny! Or sad?  
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Scumbag. Fraud. Lowlife. The very definition of them all. Human manure. And you seem to be proud of scamming people  
Can a better power cable make a difference if NOT plugged directly into an outlet?
@hilde45 : did you explain to John what power cords you already have? Knowing the power conditioner you have, and I am assuming you conveyed this to John, I am not surprised by his suggestion. Logical considering the price of your Audience existin...