Responses from tinman
What amplifier works well with B&W 801 Matrix mkII My friend uses Mark Levinson 333 to drive his pair of 801 MK3 beautifully. Excellent bass slam and the rest of spectrum. I don't think you can go wrong with this amp. Good listening. | |
Krell 300i as a pre I tried 300i as a pre-amp to match up with ML333 and Audio Research VT100III. It is not in the same league so I gave up and got a pre-amp SP16L. 300i by itself is a good integrated amp but separate pre-power amps beat it by a pretty good margin so... | |
Tube Equipment: Gimmick? Jiwitn, Lack of dynamic?? I think you need to check your equipments or your ears. I don't think you hear what good tube gears can sound yet. I bet if some one do a blind test on you with tube and SS gear, you can't tell the different. | |
Tube Equipment: Gimmick? Why would you listen to your ME friend? He probably is clueless how the electricity works from he statement and has very little understanding of electronics.By the way, listen to the music not equipement which you will find the most joy from it. Y... | |
Shure V15 mk5 vs Dynavector 10x5 Dynavector all the way!! I have Shure V15-V and Dyna 10A (brought it 25 years old and put away) but I love Dyna sound even with an old model. The Dyna has much richer sound than V15 and more details then the Shure. The sound stage is wider and dee... | |
What cartridge works for you ??? I agree with Egoss, Dynavector 20X-H. I have the original 10A, a 20 years old cartridge I put away because of my lacking set up skill. It sounds better than Shure V15-VMR and other set up with Linn LP12, very musical cartridge with very little wea... | |
Retail Buying - Reality Check Who would pay full MSRP for products that every one knows there are more than 50% mark up? For buying a car, the dealers certainly don't have 50% mark up and everyone negotiate the price for 5%-10% off. On top of the mark up, audio dealers don't c... | |
Need suggestions on two channel amp for ML Aerius- Get a used Krell 300i integrated amp for about $1000 and you fix most of the mid range to bass problem. I used 300i to drive my SL3 and get good results but I must admit that Mark Levison 333 drives the SL3 much better. I tried 333 on my SL3 and f... | |
XRCD vs. SACD I agree with most of people above, what really matter is how the CD or SACD is being mastered. I have experienced before with CDs on the same title but mastered at different time or technology make a big different in sound quality. Attention to de... | |
B&W CDM 9 / ML Aeons I have ML SL3 for almost 3 years now and I have heard a few expensive systems but I still like the transparency that ML offers. ML excels in mid to high and even performs well at 200-70Hz bass region but it lacks the deep bass that my friend's 801... | |
Problem with FedEx Ground Shipping? I believe FedEx service quality depends on how heavy the package is. If you are shipping something heavier than 80 pounds then I would try to avoid them because most FedEx delivery truck usually has one person manning the truck. Imagine if one guy... | |
V15xMR or Blue Point Special I would spend a little bit more to get a Dynavector 10X4 or 20H if they can properly set up with your TT and arm. I am using a 18 years old 10A which I could not set it up correctly with my cheaper TT I previouly owned. Until my V15-V damaged from... | |
Jazz at the Pawnshop Do any of you also own the original or the reissue LP and how do they compare to the CD or XRCD? I like the CD but I am thinking to buy the reissue LP but not sure if they worth the extra bugs. I appreciate any input. Thanks. | |
Best Integrated Amp Seems like there is enough confusion now for you. One thing I suggest, finding the amps you are considering and take them home listen for yourself with you existing system. I don't think there is a best amp out out there. You need to find one that... | |
Shure V-15vmr VS V-15 III I have used V15 MR before but I think you'll get better sound with Dynavector 10X4. I am using a 15 years old Dynavector 10B and it has much better pace, rhythm and smoothing sound than the Shure. However, it takes about 2 to 4 weeks break in time... |