Responses from tksteingraber
What High End AC Cables should Offer Audio Envy offers them at both ends as an upgrade. I am a fan of Captains cables. Great performance at amazing prices. | |
Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY I have been wanting to try a pair of current Ohm’s for several years and just picked up a used 6 year old pair of Walsh Tall 2000’s. My (somewhat challenged) room was right at the maximum recommended size for these speakers but I prefer lower vo... | |
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers Oh @bigtwin nailed it🤩…Too big and ugly to roommate with everyday. Many other choices…Give me water over light beer😜IPA please🍻 | |
Just FYI: Tidal is consolidating their HiFi and HiFi Plus tiers @moonwatcher agreed they should have just let the year term expire rather than cancel mid-year. I never received an email notification unless spam screened it?I also bought one month of a third party software access to transfer all my Tidal info ... | |
Just FYI: Tidal is consolidating their HiFi and HiFi Plus tiers @moonwatcher thanks for the update. I was very unhappy with how Tidal dropped the Best Buy program without notification or automatic refunds for the remaining months that were prepaid. To find out your Tidal membership has been dropped after thi... | |
6N8S 6SN7 6Н8С tubes? @immatthewj Yes those are all Russian tube equivalents of the 6SN7 family. I have bought from Ukraine several old stock Russian tube styles and most are very nice tubes for the money. Some can be very good and price doesn’t always go with SQ. If... | |
Flexible Power Cords +1 Audio Envy are excellent. Lightweight, flexible, OCC wire, tight grip, perform way above their price point. Captain does a great job with his cords. | |
What was the first power cable that you noticed a difference in the sound? The separate outlets are not listed on the website. You have to email or call Cap and “Let’s make a deal”. Same outlets he uses in his quad set up. | |
LTA Ultralinear Plus Integrated vs. Pass Labs XA25/EAR 868pl @tangramca I was wondering maybe my issue was the Z40+ had too much power and when I was driving them at lower volume they suffered. The lower power models ,like your UL, when driven at a higher amp level might be the ticket to better bass and me... | |
LTA Ultralinear Plus Integrated vs. Pass Labs XA25/EAR 868pl Yes, LTA mentioned they paired them with Spatials at shows. I played the LTA z40+ amp through both Goldenear Tritan 2 towers and Fritz monitors. I now have moved to a full tube set up with a Decware Torii Jr v2 amp with Supratek Cabernet pre ro... | |
LTA Ultralinear Plus Integrated vs. Pass Labs XA25/EAR 868pl Glad to hear you really like your LTA UL. I had the opposite experience with an LTA Z40+ int. Bass was weak and the amp was lifeless at low volume 50-70db (which I prefer to listen) even with nos Mullards. Soundstage and higher volumes sounded ... | |
Credenza or media stand for hiding away equipment Thanks for the BDI recommendation. Nice options and designs. | |
Absorbing traffic noise with Helmholtz resonators (video) Interesting topic to me….I was not one of the naysayers who actually experimented with @mahgister bottle Helmholtz resonators. I liked using 4 - 1.75L Bourbon or other bottles with long necks. More is better but I had to control myself. I added... | |
Credenza or media stand for hiding away equipment Some different thoughts…Cut out or remove the back panels to allow additional space and air flow. Can add a platform that extends past the back of the cabinet to set deep components on. Add usb computer cooling fans if it gets too warm. I do ... | |
Zavfino prima mk2 speaker cables I have had both 8tc and 12tc cables but now have Goertz Mi-3’s (Cable Co.). Stunning cables, well priced and the best I have heard. They are 3” copper ribbon style. I cover mine with a black stretch sleeve for better appearance. Also, recommend A... |