
Responses from tli

Opinions...on Digital Cables for Esoteric Gear
I have dCS Vivaldi and tried Nordost Odin AES/EBU cables but it sounded a bit too dim, changed to Audioquest Diamond but it was too bright, finally settled with Audioquest Wel Signature which has the right balance.Recently I changed all clock cabl... 
Wilson Alexia 20x15 Room
My room is 33x15 ft using Alexia driven by ARC Ref250. The bass can be too heavy sometimes but can be managed with tuning devices like stillpoints and more forward speaker placement.It is not a matter whether you can use an Alexia or not. You cert... 
Audio Research preamp ratings & sound differences
I started my HiFi journey with ARC LS1 in the 80's. It replaced my Adcom solid state preamp at the time. I was so happy with the result and stayed in the tube camp until now.I recently changed from 40th Anniversary to Ref 10. The improvement is al... 
What cables are you running with your ARC gear
Silver cables are in general suit tube gears. I find Wireworld cables good value for money. You can try. 
Nordost Valhalla
I recommend you try Wireworld Platinum Eclipse 7 XLR cable. This is all silver cable that does not sound harsh.Although the listed price is high but there are a couple of online dealers that can give up to 40% discount. It should suit your need wi... 
sonic frontier subwoofer connection
I used to have SF Line 3 and SF Power 3 combo. One pair of XLR output from preamp to power amp and another pair of XLR from preamp to two Velodyne DD12 subwoofers. Velodyne DD series is good because you can easily adjust the equalization curve to ... 
How to tell vacuum tube is gone bad??
Listening is the final and most important test.Failing or aged tubes in general lose bass energy, the sound will tend to be harsh. If so, it is time to change them. 
Which amps with B&W 800D's... Pass Labs or Classe?
I have used B&W 800 series speakers for over 10 years. Starting with the original N800 to the latest 800 Diamond. The speakers had been driven by high power tube amps like Sonic Frontiers Power 3 and Audio Research Reference 250 and solid stat... 
combination tube amp and ss preamp?
B&W Diamond speakers have a warm sound already. You probably don't need to enhance the warmness with a tube amp.Big B&W speakers prefer large high current solid state amp to control the bass and put it in order.This is just a general under... 
Nordost Valhalla or Tyr 2 interconnect
Tyr 2 is the latest generation of Nordost cable. In this generation, all Nordost cables sounds warmer than the counterparts in the previous generation. Going up the rank will increase the extension on both ends and enhance resolution. Original Val... 
Nordost Valhalla or Tyr 2 interconnect
Tyr 2 is the latest generation of Nordost cable. In this generation, all Nordost cables sounds warmer than the counterparts in the previous generation. Going up the rank will increase the extension on both ends and enhance resolution. Original Val... 
Is there any 50W 300B SET monoblock out there?
In order to produce more power in a SET tube, the potential difference between the cathode and anode has to increase. When this voltage goes up to a point, the tube will start to emitt other radiation such cathode ray, ie electron. Higher still, i... 
Pass XA30.5 vs. ARC Ref 75
Amplifier magnifies electrical signal to drive speakers. If one goes by straight scientific terms, it just increases the voltage and current of the signal, adding nothing and losing nothing. In fact it is not difficult to have am amplifier to do j... 
B&W 800D vs 800 Diamond
I listened to B&W 800 series speakers for over 10 years. I brought the original N800 when they were first out and step by step changed to the latest 800 Diamond. It is clear that there were noticeable improvement in the treble and bass in each... 
New KT150 tubes?
Thanks for the update. I think the evidence now is significant enough to call the verdict. I shall upgrade my Ref 250 to KT 150 when the current KT 120 is up for replacement. There should be good improvement in the performance.