Responses from tomic601
FYI New Audio Research (ARC) Trade-In Program I recall last years program required an msrp of double the traded in component.....not tgat this gets current flowing for me..just to be fair.... | |
How much should a person spend to get a decent power conditioner? Just to make sure....repeating testwith:Crooked Still - Shaken by a Low Sound..... | |
How much should a person spend to get a decent power conditioner? For grins last eve I decided to test ( double blind of course - hard to see out of both eyes after a few Reds ) the theory and well accepted claim that the power amp should not be plugged into the conditioner...yupfront end into an Isotek, amp int... | |
NuForce STA 200 Hard to beat my $199 Audionics CC2 but yes I am considering the Nuforce as a $499 returnable follyit has good genes for sure.... | |
Prize or turkey? MC202 List it local pickup onlySeattle is fair size marketiMO no box hurts a heavy dense amp like thatbut again a very nice single ended Autoformer amp - really sweet sounding | |
Interesting video with Richard Vandersteen talking about his subs You rabid his products and thinking.... | |
Best speaker/system piano concerts a good reason for attending church choir practicesit on the bench and three other places and you will get religion, and then a mic feed listen will turn you into an athiest..ha. | |
Lampizator evolution @rockyboy you did pretty good getting the Aurender that fast...must be great can and bottle collecting near you.....$$$$$i missed the server ? but i use a NAIM Uniti-Serve with a Pardo LPS and very importantly HRS Nimbus feet and a damping brick..... | |
McIntosh (MC601) amplifier overheating problem the only MC amp i have at moment runs 6L6 output devices.... however i can attest that Ayre did handle failures with grace - I had a VX-R that the thermal tracs failed in one channel, lucked nto help with Twenty series upgrade at that time which ... | |
How much should a person spend to get a decent power conditioner? but IF ya want a kick @#&*$ system you work both, component and cable noise issues and clean power....and more than a few good firms build power conditioning into the product - Ayre and Vandersteen come to mind.... | |
McIntosh mc202 or not? sent you a PM | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs my brief flirtation with the 9 is over...home “ home “ in Seattle listening to the 7’ my room, why ?????? | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs @noble100 - why not start a thread on swarm ? I am sure it will attract a ton of interest | |
Diffusion or Absorption are the steel doors hollow ? | |
How much should a person spend to get a decent power conditioner? a wall wart is a digital switching power supply, i guess you refer to them as a puck...anyway, well documented and measurable the trash they dump into power line as well as RFI that up = goodif possible get a linear power sup... |