

Responses from tomic601

Initial impressions of my new Vandersteen Quatro's in Audi Havana Black
Ricks27congrats !!!!you are in for a realtreat 
Initial impressions of my new Vandersteen Quatro's in Audi Havana Black
Rosewood is stunning also, as my 5a wereCT - my first hit is free crack addict creating Audioquest dealer in Atlanta loaned me a set of WEL top of the line balanced from ARC pre to Ayre power amp when I had the 5ai sent them back....the detail was... 
Best one step liquid record cleaner.???
Nitty Gritty Pure 2 
Ry Cooder recommendation...
Flaco is  a GodRy is amazing....I would echo what many have said on recommendation but also include the Live album at The Great American.Lindley and Ry collaborate often - go down that rabbit hole for sure !!! Caught David  live recently at the Be... 
MQA according to new Stereophile "loudness button" and "tweaking EQ in presence region"
re the point about FPGA is that it is advertised as somewhat future proof vs implemented in H/ W which is somewhat more difficult to change..IMO both DCS and Brinkman have been pretty transparent about plans for MQA...Aesthetix not so much. IMO Ji... 
MQA according to new Stereophile "loudness button" and "tweaking EQ in presence region"
its all a downhill ride from the origional acoustic event...seriously lats assume for simplicity the analog master represents what the artist wanted us to hear at that time.Plangent - the fruits of which I have heard and for most part agree does i... 
For older guys
A window back in time to connect with the passed and their passionsi cry like a baby when Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra is played over what remains of my Dad's Hi-figood advice when shopping the used record bins - reach out for new stuff th... 
MQA according to new Stereophile "loudness button" and "tweaking EQ in presence region"
how many of you have one or more A to D converters and have listened to discern the often massive differences between them ? In my live recording work i will almost always take two converters...I would love to learn what Bob is actually doing..but... 
Initial impressions of my new Vandersteen Quatro's in Audi Havana Black
CT check out just about anything 2L put out - the massed choral works are to die for as a coherancy and detail test. Oh death will destroy you and Himmelrand is amazingmany available as free teaser downloads and in a massive variety of formats for... 
Initial impressions of my new Vandersteen Quatro's in Audi Havana Black
Or try:The Wailin Jennys FirecrackerThe Devils Paintbrush Road 
Initial impressions of my new Vandersteen Quatro's in Audi Havana Black
For those of you itching to try out your bass tuning giveThe Wailing Jennys Bright Morning StarsStorm Coming... 
Initial impressions of my new Vandersteen Quatro's in Audi Havana Black
I should clarify the ARC75SE was a short term loaner ....my VX-R is 300 ish wpc at 4 ohms...i rarely tax it 
Initial impressions of my new Vandersteen Quatro's in Audi Havana Black
Musicman - how cool that we get to enjoy a bunch of musical gear!!i think with the powered bass and low pass filter the need to really big power might be somewhat overstated.... having it is good. I ran the 7's in my medium size room and at modera... 
What would be an upgrade over the NAD M51 Direct Digital D/A Converter?
I hate spell checkmake that...Hi-Fi Buys  
What would be an upgrade over the NAD M51 Direct Digital D/A Converter?
I would chat with Alan at Hi Fi Buts in Atlanta.he carries NAD, Aesthetix, ARC, Brinkmann. primal Luna, Ayre... lots of DACs that people are mentioning...the Yagi is direct from manufacturer - and I recommend reading the book also !!!