

Responses from tomstruck

Anyone Recently Change to Class D power?
Not a chance that I would change my Aesthetix Atlas for a class D 
What makes speaker's sound big?
Big Speaker:) 
The grace digital link internet radio
I have Mondo Elite have had it for year Use it for my alarm clock because you can set it for the days of the week and when it go off it is at the beginning of the song 
Cartridge suggestions for...
Check out the AMG Teatro it replaced my Clearaudio Taliasmann 
Is it time to upgrade my amp?
Sorry no  
Upgrade Bluesound DAC or go to Aurrender?
I have the Bluesound Vault 2i with Ayre Codex sounds very good but the Aurender n100 with same DAC sounds better I'm looking at Aurender N10 
Is it time to upgrade my amp?
Chris enjoyed my Rogue Cronus Mag had it with Vandersteens             2 Ce sigII  was able to demo I liked it more then the Sphins V3 don't know the Cary They are great bunch of guy at Rogue have been to the factory for upgrades Enjoy the Music Tom 
Do fuses in Aurender n10 alter SQ?
moguls thanks for the great information the Aurender is looking better Never tried fuses but I have replaced the stock cord on my Ayre Codex with a Audioquest Thunder big improvement Thanks Again  
Help my analog sound as good as my streaming
coys21 cartridge and tonearm alignment is paramount with any turntable I know people who have very expensive setup that are not up to there potential because of it I don't know your turntable or cartridge I would start there spring under your tabl... 
Do fuses in Aurender n10 alter SQ?
moguls guessing the Aurender N10 not your first streamer what did you have before it and what other streamer were you considering I Have been looking at the N10 have only demoed the N100 which sounds better the my Bluesound Vault 2i Did you do an ... 
Aurender N10 vs Innous Zenith MK3
Thank for the info  would love to get the N20 but I'm stretching my budget for the N10 
Aurender N10 vs Innous Zenith MK3
The Innuos Statement sound great but I know the interface is not greatI'm think of getting the Aurender N10 myself have demo the N100 and it sounds better the my Bluesound and the interface is probably the best one out there Enjoy the Music Tom 
What’s with the catalog images on the Virtual Systems Section
skypunkThank you 
Speaker Upgrade Recommendation for Current Analog System - under $10,000 Budget
Vandersteen Treos great sounding speakers and beautiful woods to chose from Enjoy the Music Tom 
New streamer
fuzztoneAnd they are