
Responses from tonykay

Vinyl comeback now, cassette tapes next?
Right...yuk it up guys but as I write this I'm listening to my Nakamichi RX-505 which was recently gone through by a renowned local tech named Willy Hermann. The sound is amazing and I do trust my ears to form that opinion. I just got in from shop... 
vinyl in vagas and san francisco
amoeba is great (first choice) but also try Rasputin's Recycled Records in several (SF) bay area locations. 
Help with Nakamichi RX 202 Static
I'm listening to my recently rebuilt RX-505 as I write this response. Something is obviously wrong under the hood of your RX-202. Rather than attempt to fix it yourself, send it to aqualified Nak expert. Believe me, it's worth the investment. 
Disappointing Elton John CDs?
I also have the MFSL gold CD of "Tumbleweed Connection" and itsounds very good, if a little dark. But, what a great album. He was such a talent in the 70's but started churning out albums with one good song and the rest a bunch of filler in the 80... 
Favorite 5 Hard Rock albums Driving Music
Our ideas of "Hard Rock" may be different but how can you omit"Who's Next" with Bargain, Won't Get Fooled Again and BabaO'Reilly. Come on, now that's rock n'roll! 
Nakamichi CR-7A Does not fast forword or rewind
Bcr,I can't give you the technical reasons that you're having problems with your Nak but will just say that there is more going on under the hood of your machine than just a few beltsand pulleys. Typically, people buy used machines and think that ... 
ADA, Bryston or Classe
You're obviously interested in the sound quality over looks. An "ugly" processor is fine if your equipment is in a closet. You might give some thought to resale value. If upgradeitisever hits, you'll have a much easier time selling that Classe(for... 
Availability protocol?
Audiogon is a buyer's market. If you encounter a seller that is a primadonna, thinking they have an irresistableclassic or a price that represents a "sacrifice" to them,punish them by not doing business with them. Life is tooshort to complain to t... 
Can anyone help identify this LP cleaning machine?
It was a Keith Monks system and the shop was dB Audio onShattuck (at Blake). FYI, another Berkeley shop "Music Lovers" has moved just behind where dB used to be. The address is 2106 (I think) Blake. It's a good shop with great equipment (and some ... 
Droplet CD Player: Contacting Consonance
Compasmar,Take a look at the comments on some of the Consonance products by some of the sellers on Agon, particularly"Trelja" an Agon member. Beautiful products that soundgood but have terrible customer service. Caveat Emptor!Tony 
Best Headphones in $500 range for Leben 300X
The AKG 1000 are spectacular. Apparently, everyone agrees.There is a pair available in "New Today" for only $1200.Is that inflation, or just supply and demand? You be thejudge. 
Nak ZX-9 Sensitivity/Bias regulators
Mike,Thanks for posting this. I have a Nak ZX-9 with the same issue. I hope someone has an answer. I use my CR7A moreoften because of the higher output. I thought it was anissue unique to my machine, but obviously it isn't. 
Bruce at The Super Bowl....
Tough crowd! No, it wasn't perfect (what is?), but Bruce at the SB was still the best in years. Yes, some of his latest albums have had some weak spots, just like some ofDylan's middle years, but his early albums (like Dylan's),were really great. ... 
Best Sounding SACD
An obscure, but wonderful SACD is "Blue Country Heart" fromJorma Kaukonen. I believe he was part of the original Jefferson Airplane. This SACD shows up on TAS list. If youlike bluegrass (or just great guitar), you will love thisalbum. 
Meitner Museatex AT-2 turntable
Many years ago I saw a Meitner turntable for sale at a local audio salon. The design was unusual, too unusual to purchase at the time. During recent years I recall that table and have wanted to purchase one so I check the Meitner space on Audiogon...