Responses from trelja
OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ? Sean, you mean to tell me my amp is worth about 75% more than I thought? WOO HOO!!! | |
CD Player Recommendation - Music Hall MMF25 You are oh, so right Avideo. I was more or less in the same position, having a second system that I considered keeping the MMF25 for. However, my wife liking the convenience of the Sony SCD-C333ES 5 disc carousel and its SACD capability won out de... | |
OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ? Sean, you are right as usual. When I spoke to Bud about how the NAD was working out, he told me he was really very impressed with it. He said it was clearly superior to the B&K, and commented specifically on the dynamic range.It's pretty impre... | |
Mods to Apogee Scintillas? I guess I should apologize for the lack of interest in this thread, Bob. It is surely a sad day that we have come to when some of the finest loudspeakers ever manufactured generate absolutely zero interest.While I have absolutely no experience in ... | |
Mods to Apogee Scintillas? Sadly, Baranyi, the Apogees have been all but forgotten by most of the audiophile community.A great many people feel the Apogees have yet to be surpassed. But, this is a here and now industry. While it is possible to find well engineered, creative... | |
OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ? I think we are all sick, sick, sick and would need to be placed under the care of the doctor(mechans), but he is just as sick was we are.In my closest:Power Amps - AtmaSphere M60Power Amp - NAD 2600A. Actually, I loaned it to Bud Fried on Saturday... | |
Musical Fidelity vs. Blue Circle: Integrateds Bluecirlcehead, no, I have not heard from BC. As you stated, it seems as if they are wisely staying on the sidelines in favor of the henchmen you mentioned.Still, it is a fair sounding piece, and if it appeals to you, please consider it. | |
CD Player Recommendation - Music Hall MMF25 Thanks for the insight Mattybumpkin! Can you also let me know, either here or via e - mail -, the approximate cost of the mods Dan did? Dan seems to be one of the "good modders" out there. If the matter is one you view in more of a ... | |
Musical Fidelity vs. Blue Circle: Integrateds Although I have always been a Blue Circle fan, I have to say that a current situation I am going through right now has left me almost to the point where I will not recommend their product to anyone. We'll see how it plays out, but if things do not... | |
Free air resonance? Mitch, I am not sure what the doctor has to say, but I emphatically feel that with all of the money you have invested in upgrading the crossover and wiring, considering the pretty high level of the Hales woofer and cabinetry, the weak point of you... | |
azur 540c new or a different used cdp for 350? Krennert, I am glad to see you are pursuing this, and the Cambridge C540/C640 players are a good place to start.My friend, who is somewhat of a dealer as part of his other audio business called me one day solely to absolutely rave about the Cambri... | |
Jolida JD100A Verastarr and Sound Odyssey, thank you for sharing with us your modifications. Although, most people do not appreciate shilling in the threads, it seems you are both upfront as to who you are, and the spirit of this thread works well with what you... | |
Funniest sales pitch Reminds me of one of my favorite jokes, "The doctor asked for a urine sample, a stool sample, and a blood sample - so I just handed him my underwear." | |
Free air resonance? While your point is well taken, Dr., with all due respect, I have upgraded tweeters many times, including this spring. Never with less than terrific results.Replacing my Vifa D27 with the Scan Speak Revelators was a tremendous improvement in air, ... | |
Audioquest upper end copper IC's sound ???? Joe(Gthirteen), where the HELL have you been???It is such a wonderful surprise to see you post again! |