

Responses from tubegb

What Have I Bought?
Advent actually made several iterations of the Large Advent Loudspeaker. The version you purchased, with the beveled (front) cabinet are the first version with a walnut cabinet. The earliest produced had no protective grill over the “fried egg” tw... 
Looking For Candidates For That Mythical 6922 Tube
Overall, I have favored Mullard tubes in the past. On the recommendation of Kevin at Upscale Audio I purchased a pair of Matsuhita/National 7DJ8 (6922 replacement) tubes for my headphone amplifier. They are well-balanced top to bottom, very quiet ... 
Record mishaps
As an afterthought, I probably would have kicked the end table (thus breaking a toe) for being in the way.  
Record mishaps
I’ve had a number of miscues (pun intended) involving records over the years. Something tells me that over time the odds/statistics of such an event happening are somewhat inevitable. Anyway, to error is human…  
Price range to ask for used AR Ref1 and Passlabs X250?
If by “process” you mean selling; the good new is that you certainly have desirable products of value to sell. Audiogon would be a good place to start, if you’re considering selling everything yourself. One alternative strategy to consider is sell... 
Price range to ask for used AR Ref1 and Passlabs X250?
You have many online resources at your disposal to do your research. Here are three for starters: Audiogon BlueBook, HiFi Shark and completed sales on eBay. Good luck.  
Chicago-area dealer recommendation
Another plus vote for Music Direct. 
High Fidelity Cable Company MC 0.5 waveguide
Okay, I have two in the system and my experience regarding break-in was very similar to what “slaw” describes. I tried three, but ultimately preferred the results with two. I would also swear/speculate that they improve the color saturation on my ... 
Mark Levinson vintage Preamp & Power Supply (ML-1 & PLS-150)
You posted in the right place. This iconic preamp was first produced in 1977. It looks like eBay is your friend when it comes to determining value and actually selling the preamp/power supply. This preamp was very advanced in its day and utilized ... 
Go to eBay and look under completed listings for real-world values. In general each unit looks to be worth somewhere between $500 and $600. If they are in perfect condition functionally and physically then the values could/would be higher. Origina... 
Moving tube equipment
What a load. There are zero issues with transporting your tube amps in the car for an hour or so. (Any defensive/evasive driving maneuvers excluded.) As a precaution, after you have them located/placed in their new environment it wouldn’t hurt to ... 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
Not entirely on topic, but I do still own a McIntosh MR71. Over the years, and living on the left coast, there were excellent FM stations to listen to. Classical music, a college jazz station and two classic rock stations were just some of the cho... 
Power Amplifiers
Belles ST150A Hot Rod and Pass Labs Aleph 30 are still in use.  
Need advice
If you can forego nostalgia Yogiboy’s recommendation makes a lot of sense. Back to nostalgia, you might consider one of these three brands to keep within your targeted budget: Teac, Akai (with glass heads) & Pioneer. If gone through properly... 
Trivializing AudiogoN...........ie: what I have is the best...
The general definition of Choice Supportive Bias from Wikipedia:   The tendency to remember one's choices as better than they actually were. In this respect, people tend to over attribute positive features to options they chose and negative feat...