
Responses from tubegroover

Led Zeppelin on Classic Records
I got the Led 1, Great, I love it, buy it, you'll like it, This is a limited time offer, act now, just do it before they're gone. Sorry got carried away....but I agree, well worth it for Zep fans. 
One Song That Still Causes...
There are many but "My Funny Valentine" sung by Ella Fitzgerald who made me really hear that great standard for the "first" time. 
Music to make you laugh by
Not to mention some of the pieces from the suite Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens. Amusing but not "ha ha" funny. He wrote it for his own amusement but wouldn't permit it to be played in his lifetime. Ironically enough it is probably... 
Music to make you laugh by
I have a Mercury CD of Leroy Anderson's music. Song titles like the Waltzing Cat, Typewriter Song, Syncopated Clock etc. What is fun is telling a child (no older than 8 or 9) the name of the song and playing it and watching their reaction when the... 
Best Male Singers of the 20th Century
Paul I believe you just made the point. 100 years will bring a lot of changes in styles, tastes and music. I think only the good music will last. The artists will be viewed by most for the period they came from. I really can't think of one that wi... 
Best Male Singers of the 20th Century
The interest is only to those interested. I guess if the material 100 years is as dated as McCormick's recordings are today the interest may be left to a small minority of those that "discover" it in the archives. Greatness and general acceptance ... 
Best Male Singers of the 20th Century
You got it Paul, the Great Irish Tenor, I'm impressed. Now I wonder, how many have even heard of him? His first recordings were made when Louie Armstrong was a little boy. 
Audio Research vs. Aragon
That D-115 idles at 400 watts. That is a lot of heat. It is rated at 100 watts which is quite a bit of power for a tube amp. Tube and component life would be shortened if your only avenue of ventilation is from the front and back of the cabinet. I... 
Best Tube Amp under 10K?
I recently heard the Transcendent OTL. It is a Class AB design which means it runs a bit cooler than the SE's and by using some feedback there is better bass control. I can't speak about its bass performance because the speakers I listened to it o... 
Is anyone familiar with Ixos cables?
Yes I am familiar with these cables, the exotica (their top of the line). Overall I liked the Harmonic Tech in my system better though the Ixos had their virtues, they didn't reveal the inner harmonic detail of the music in the same manner as the ... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
I suspect that there is more innovation in A/V gear because there is more demand thus more competition for the consumer dollar. Hi-End doesn't innovate because there isn't enough wide band interest. It seems many of the large hi-end firms have tak... 
if i could trade places......
Good Thread Cornfedboy. As a youth I had the opportunity to see the Beach Boys back in the middle 60’s. That was during my surfing era. At the time I was aware that Denny Wilson was the only surfer in the group. I wanted to be like him. Especially... 
Bob Dylan, have an opinion?
SD rather than crucify you ironically enough I really can relate to where you are coming from. Until that 1st time I saw him in that August evening of 29-30 summers ago my sentiments concerning Dylan could have been summed up similar to yours. May... 
Bob Dylan, have an opinion?
Well I believe you SD but how do they say it when speaking the Queen's English? I agree that there were other great lyricists of the day and the first to come to mind would be Paul Simon. Dylan however spoke to the 60’s youth about a generation’s ... 
Bob Dylan, have an opinion?
I went to the 1971 or 1972 Philadelphia Folk Festival. David Bromberg was playing and who should just pop in unexpectly but Bob Dylan. He sat in with Bromberg for a few cuts and proceeded with a 45 minute acoustic solo set. A very memorable experi...