Responses from twoleftears
All New Pure Audio ONE Integrated Amp Reviewed! @highend666 All the discussions you have started concern newly launched audio components.Are you a dealer, reviewer, distributor, importer, publicist, or advertising agency employee?? | |
Duelund RCA interconnects...opinions My understanding was that the SM started out using splitters because it was also using commercially available conventional ICs.But if you're DIYing, you can solder the doubled up wires straight into the RCA connector.Correct me if I'm wrong.Doesn'... | |
A warm DAC? @fsonicsmith +1This is like saying that all cola should aspire to one given flavor profile. Therefore, if Coca Cola is right, Pepsi is wrong. But some people prefer Pepsi. Sometimes it's right to be wrong. | |
Same watts at 8 and 4 ohms? So to summarize: you want integrated, ideally compact and user friendly, well engineered, sounds good, and able to drive speakers rated at 4 ohms dropping to 3 at points. | |
The Absolute Sound Review On The All New Acora Acoustics SRC-1 Speakers Coming Soon ! 246 lbs each. | |
Same watts at 8 and 4 ohms? Have you looked at the Rogue Sphinx v3?Have you checked out Vincent integrated models?90 is above average; 4 dropping to 3 is a bit below average.Poorly engineered amps will be uncomfortable with that impedance.If you deal with Crutchfield, Audio ... | |
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist? "Are you seriously intending to go to the dinner party looking like that?" | |
Need copper speaker cable recommendations $300 ish Off the shelf, just get some Audio Envy.DIY, some good suggestions here: one top of page here is also recommended, but as noted tricky to make for a novice.https://www.vhau... | |
Transport to replace my cd player Look at the Simaudio 260d, as others have suggested. | |
Spikes or rubber feet. Find out what gauge thread the inserts in your speakers use, and then buy some Herbie's threaded gliders. | |
Same watts at 8 and 4 ohms? Where's @georgehifi when you need him?NAD and McIntosh are engineered differently, so conventional expectations do not apply. This may be a good thing or a bad thing.If well engineered a conventional Class A/B amp should double or nearly double i... | |
Power Conditioner Cables It's a Pangea (Audio Advisor) power strip.So first question: budget? | |
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby? Taking advantage of a trade-in and trade-up deal offered by a shop. I ended up not liking the bigger speakers nearly as much as the smaller ones.Also, at a different time, not biting the bullet and buying some fairly costly speakers that I really ... | |
Need copper speaker cable recommendations $300 ish That's for one leg. To make a pair of speaker cables, you'd need 4 runs of the required length. As that cable doesn't come in different jacket colors, you'd need to mark the ends, to keep + and - differentiated. | |
Need copper speaker cable recommendations $300 ish Visit VH Audio for both quality bulk cable and made-up cables. Another very good supplier like PartsConnexion but with different merchandise. |