Responses from twoleftears
Speaker wire... Diy? Where's @grannyring when you need him?? | |
Confused About Relative Sonic Impact of DAC VS. Transport There are actually more transports out there than you might think--they don't receive an enormous amount of promotion, because of the trend toward streaming, but they are available. A number at different price points have been discussed in a coup... | |
Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100? So here's a question: I wonder how the latest iteration of the SP 1/2 measures up against the Harbeth SHL+. Design-wise they seem to have a fair amount in common. | |
Leben CS 600 and Harbeth vs Audio Note vs ATC vs JM Reynaud @mpomerantz I too found the SHL5 bright, though I gather many people do not. However, it is voiced differently from the 30.2 and 40.2, both of which I've heard and liked a lot. The only dealer I know of that has Classic 100s on the floor is Davi... | |
Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100? @salectric The Classic 100 is the model name for the latest iteration of the SP-100. Effectively it=the Mk3.@three_easy_payments. Agreed, but the Classic 100 and the D7 were what were in the store. I think people looking at the D9 should at leas... | |
Leben CS 600 and Harbeth vs Audio Note vs ATC vs JM Reynaud I posted a while ago on an auditioning of Audio Note and Harbeth, and elsewhere on Spendor.AN have a wonderfully natural timbre. But to get the best bass, they do need to be wall-adjacent, and that compromises sound-stage depth. Trade-offs.I've ... | |
Decisions on standmounts: ATC, Dynaudio, ProAc, Sonus Faber I heard the Classic 100 last year, and thought it really really good. Very dynamic and yet very listenable. | |
Why is the high end stratospheric? I've seen interviews where a manufacturer would say that his dealers in Asia told him he didn't have product that was sufficiently expensive, and urged him to introduce a new model to fill that demand... | |
Which transport with my Jay's Audio DAC? Besides the CDT8 and the soon-to-be-released CDT10, how many other OS transports are there?? | |
Considering a new SACD Player The obvious candidates are the Marantz SA-10 and Luxman D-05u/D-06u. All excellent performers. | |
Salk Song 3A or Song 3 BeAT? The 9.5 has a much more complex cabinet, and an adjustable open-backed midrange.Also: Jim is sometimes open to one-off custom designs. I've toyed myself with the idea of the BeAt's midrange installed into the Encore cabinet. | |
Salk Song 3A or Song 3 BeAT? This is why the 9.5 model is interesting. Uses the BeAT tweeter and midrange, combined with the Encore woofer supplemented with passive radiators. | |
Salk VS Monitor Audio The Song3 BeATs go remarkably low for the size of the woofer. Performance in your room will depend on a variety of factors. Of course, the Encore's go deeper with the bigger woofer (same manufacturer), but I like the midrange more in the BeATs.I... | |
Luxman 509X vs Mc452 + preamp HiFi News tested and found 95W into 8 ohms at 1% THD. | |
People That Have Upgraded From Harbeth 30.1s.... @dhcod The only way is up.... to the 40.2 |