Responses from twoleftears
Unforgiving DAC or add Tube Preamp?? Border Patrol DAC is the ultimate answer to your problem. | |
Speaker suggestions Strong competition to the Watkins are the Fritz Carrera 3. Likewise excellent bass for size, and played exceptionally nice with 8w at the Capital Audio Fest. | |
DC Offset Blocker/Killer - where to buy in the USA @tomiiv30I I went through something similar with an amp. I tried dozens of fixes, from cheater plugs, extension cords, turning off all the breakers, different outlets, inexpensive filters, expensive filters, ground loop eliminators, DC blockser, ... | |
Isotek Sigmas EVO3 mains filtering conditions findings Very happy with the Sigmas here. Happy enough to splurge on the Synchro to go with it; it didn't take it to the next level, but it's good to know it's there. | |
Vinyl heresy-overhang induced distortion is not that important Actually, Spanish has considerable fluidity w.r.t. Subject Verb and Object.Just about any combination of SVO is possible, depending on which part of the utterance you're putting the emphasis on. Not too much room for ambiguity, given common sense ... | |
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model) I wonder if that built-in will be bypassable, so we can use our own phono if we want to. | |
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels Did the Harbeth's fall by the wayside? | |
Alta Audio speakers--anyone heard them? Yes, I would really like to hear the Lelantos, but I've always been suspicious of ribbon tweeters, as I've found I always prefer soft dome. But no one I've read every mentions Alta's sounding overly bright or etched. | |
DC Offset Blocker/Killer - where to buy in the USA It's a story as old as the hills.A company spends decades establishing a really good name.A conglomerate swoops in and buys it up--and they're buying the name much more than the factory or the know-how. They proceed to try and squeeze every last ... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Listened to an Anton Rubinstein concerto yesterday, no. 5 I think, not unpleasant but florid and generally a bit OTT.Next up today is Brahms' #1, and the contrast isn't even funny. B. is ten powers superior in every way. Still, listening to some... | |
Amp Selection for Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand I've heard Ayre paired very successfully with Vienna Acoustics. A store owner even drove a pair of Liszts with the 60w integrated, so show it would work. I've listened to Liszts, Concert and Baby Grands, and for me the Concerts somehow don't hav... | |
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other??? | |
ELAC - Adante... what’s the verdict? Despite all the fancy footwork and attempts to dance around the issue, it's clear from the Stereophile review and even clearer from the measurements that the floor-stander is bass-shy. The AS sounds like a better proposition. | |
Primare I35 Prisma Very little exposure in the US. Perhaps talk to Tenacious Sound.One A'gon member bought the CD35 and was ecstatic. | |
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio Was it Ayre or some other company that had two settings on some of their products, for "Measure" and "Play"? |