

Responses from twoleftears

How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?
@rvpiano  Semantics, yes.  Imaging and soundstaging are not the same thing, but *are* complementary.  Simply (simplistically?) imaging~clear definition/location of a particular sound source in the space; soundstaging~the sonic painting of the limi... 
What is the best 5k-plus Preamp with balanced outs and Phono stage?
Have you looked at Backert Labs?  All their models have XLE.  A high-value sleeper brand. 
How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?
@helomech +1  Well said! 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
So the verdict will be coming any time now? 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
Honda/Toyota.Harbeth SHL5+/Spendor Classic 1/2. 
Recommendation for DAC needed.
Do you have the multibit upgrade, or is it the standard Gungnir?  If the latter, the upgrade might be the way to go. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Volodos, Mompou.Wonderful!  Incredible touch in the soft passages.Very natural piano sound, tremendous dynamic contrasts. 
Recommendation for DAC needed.
For instance, take a look at this current discussion.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/which-dac-benchmark-mytek-audio-mirror-holo-audio-mojo-audio  
The Future of Audio Amplification
I don't understand why there isn't more discussion of Bel Canto, specifically in this thread and more generally on A'gon.  They seem to be doing a lot of things right, and at a number of different price points, unlike some manufacturers. 
Recommendation for DAC needed.
@rvpiano  I recommend you read around a bit more.  There are a LOT of DACs out there in your price range.  My conclusion is that there are at least three categories of sonic presentation: strictly neutral, slightly warm and forgiving, and warmer s... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I don't remember who recommended it, but my thanks to whoever in this thread recommended Arrau/Haitink for the Beethoven ## 4 and 5.  Listening very happily now.By the way, if anyone says decently set up systems can't project a soundstage outside ... 
PMC Speakers
@rosami  From your post, I assumed that you were referring to what PMC is currently calling their SE series, where the designs are closer cousins to their professional offerings.  On A'gon you're more likely find owners of Fact, TwentyFive, or Twe... 
Running Benchmark AHB2 in bridged mode and 4 Ohm Speaker
@lordcloud  If you read the reviews of any Benchmark product in Stereophile, Absolute Sound, or elsewhere, and such reviews are quite frequent, you will find that Benchmark is always sending out *two* of its amps to the reviewer. 
Snake oil came first. By a likely ~ +50k years
It's the ubiquitous epistemological crisis of the most-modern world. 
Soundbars vs Conventional Home Theater Sys
I own a 670 which is 36" wide and sits perfectly on top of a low wide rack that holds the video gear.  The TV sits on top of the ZVOX.  The sound is more than satisfactory.  It reminds me of the typical sound in a cinema.  Not audiophile, but cine...