Responses from twoleftears
Where do I start-amp or speakers ? What a luxury to start with a clean slate... and a respectable budget.Let's face it: most people, most of the time, have some "heirloom" components that they bought or were gifted, and they start out on the upgrade path, one or two items at a time... | |
KT120 back to 6550 Out of curiosity I swopped in a matched set of Genelex Gold Lion KT88s replacing the T-S KT120s. Perhaps a hint more of sweetness, but definitely a loss of authority, that I liked so much to begin with. Went back to the 120s soon after. | |
Audio Physics old vs new There's a before and after moment, around 2004, when Joachim Gerhard left/was forced out of the company and founded Sonics by JG. Rather like Sonus Faber, there will be at least some difference in models and iterations prior to/post 2004. | |
Phasing If these are not the same set you heard at the store, they could be wired incorrectly somewhere inside. Try and buy or borrow a test disc (like Stereophile #1), with in-phase and out-of-phase tracks, which make the difference very clear. | |
It's Simple What's the accepted unit of measurement for hysteresis? | |
Puzzling preamp problem Swop the cables over connecting the pre- to your monoblocks. What happens then? | |
Need some Amp help - a little new to properly powering speakers @moskaudio What one needs to understand from the get-go, is that the number of watts is only one part, one quite small part, of the story. For starters, take a look at the current output rating (not all manufacturers publish) and the damping fact... | |
Best used or new DAC under $3500 Anybody tried the Denafrips Venus? Seems to fit more or less in this price bracket. | |
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more.... In some respects the Venus looks like it might occupy the sweet spot in the brand line-up, yet curiously we're hearing very little about it. Any owners out there? | |
Dynaudio vs B&W help... Bring back the Loudness button on integrated amps! | |
Balanced cables Sometimes folks need to realize break-in can be used as an excuse for stuff which just does not work.Half of break-in is people's ears getting acclimatized to the new and different--though not necessarily better--sound of a new component (and I in... | |
Amp upgrade for Contour 60's Budget?Used Sim 600i?Ayre AX-5 (not twenty)? | |
Buying they vary??? Another recommendation for the "usual suspects":Andy BouwmanBrent JesseJim McShaneTC Tubes | |
Do I have to brand match preamp and amp? Or wait a couple of weeks. These do definitely come up used with some frequency. | |
Audio Envy Studio Prestige Interconnects Out of the dozens and dozens of cable manufacturers out there, what led you to AE, given that you already use an industry standard in Cardas? |