Responses from twoleftears
Newbie amp help......why? Does your receiver have "Pre-amp out" jacks on the back? If so, you could continue using the tuner and pre-amp sections of the receiver, and hook up a better quality power amp to drive the speakers (bypassing the amplifier section in the receiver)... | |
Reality Cables made of? Yes, AudioCircle has a number of threads on DIY THHN speaker cables.But what about interconnects? Based on the rather blurry photos on the website, that's what it looks like the Reality ICs might be made of. | |
High quality "locking" IEC connectors? Have you seen these? these? | |
Power Cord Question I think what you're looking at is a C7 socket/connector. (The 3-prong is called an IEC.) A few cable companies make cords terminated with a C7--PS Audio is one example (though I'm not necessarily endorsing that product). Visit a site like Audio Ad... | |
Uruboros? Uruboros, uroboros, ouroboros, ourorboros, oroborus, uroborus, take your pick. | |
Cambridge 840c vs. Bryston BCD-1 vs. Ayre CX-7e Sorry, I'm a bit confused. How did the Droplet get into this string? I was comparing the *Bryston* to the Cambridge.... | |
Cheap tweak from Virtual Dynamics: Whatever else you do, don't buy the brass screws from Lowe's or Home Depot. During some repair work to back door, while gently easing in--i.e. *not* high torque--a longish brass screw bought from Lowe's it just sheared off. | |
Speakers: $3,000-$4,000 on Audiogon In my own experience, I wouldn't have put Dynaudio, JMLabs, Revel or some of the Thiels (e.g. 3.6) as leaning in the direction you indicate in the original post.So here's another vote for Acoustic Zen, Vienna Acoustics, Sonus Faber, Harbeth and Pr... | |
Cambridge 840c vs. Bryston BCD-1 vs. Ayre CX-7e I eventually bought a Bryston, after auditioning cdps from Arcam, Cambridge, Naim, Primare, and Rega. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hear the Ayre.The Arcam FMJ 37 was probably the most analytical of the bunch. It impressed on first auditioning, ... | |
really inexpensive power cords Philjolet:My second system has a decent cdp, amp, speakers, ICs and speaker cables. But stock, come-with-the-unit, PCs. So I was thinking of doing something about them, without spending an arm and a leg.Along comes PS Audio's summer promotion, wit... | |
really inexpensive power cords I have to say that I've found the results of this poll of a'gon opinion rather disquieting.The consensus seems to be: stay with the stock cables, buy Volex 17604, or try Signal, VenHaus, or MAC (to which one might add Element). No substantive comm... | |
Getting Rid of Transformer Hum Here's a post from Roger A. Modjeski on AudioCircle."One thing to keep in mind about toroids. If there is any DC on your power line the transformer will audibly buzz and the magnetizing current will go up. This is because they have no air gap. EI ... | |
Plinius 9200 - transformer buzz Here's a quote from Roger A. Modjeski--who I figure should know a thing or two--posting on AudioCircle."One thing to keep in mind about toroids. If there is any DC on your power line the transformer will audibly buzz and the magnetizing current wi... | |
Help preamp problem: overload? Thanks to all for comments and suggestions.One clarification. The BCD-1 is a CD player, *upstream* of the preamp.Searching the discussion section of A'gon I see there are a few threads involving Sonic Frontiers and relays, but nothing that reprodu... | |
CD players for soundstage depth It seems to me that full orchestral recordings provide the greatest challenge for convincing reproduction on home systems--logical, I suppose, given the number of players and the size of the platform they're on and of the auditorium they're playin... |