Responses from unclejeff
recommend a good computer and digital camera? I own the Canon Powershot G5. This is my first digital camera. While it has 5 megapixels, which is real good, the comments I get from others is on thw quality of the color in the photographs.I really don't have much to compare it to but those who ... | |
What year were my Mullard Tubes Mfg.??? i tried doing a search on MULLARD AND TUBE and, below the sponsored links, I found a web site called GERARD's RADIO CORNERI don't know if your exact answer is there, but you will be impressed with the data on mullards.Good luck! | |
Tube or solid state CD player I own a tube Cd player and Marakanetz is correct. My Audio Aero works for me as a pre and I am very happy with it.Along the lines of what you are talking about, check out the following site: www.modwright.comThese are good people and I have listen... | |
Jolida JD100 little tube rolling comparison... I recetnly replaced my Chinese made 12AX7 tubes that came with my McIntosh 2102 amp with a set of 1960's vintage Sylvania tubes. Very nice improvement. I also own a re-conditioned Fisher tuner that has a pair of Electro Harmonix 12AX7 tubes.I trie... | |
time to discuss kt-88's I recently traded my JJ KT 88s from my Audio Aero Capitole amp into my McIntosh 2102 amp just to see what would happen. the Svetlana Kt 88s made an amazing improvement to the Audio Aero. so much so that only now do I realize just how wonderful thi... | |
Soundproofing Hi-Rise Apt? the posts suggesting you step outside and listen to the impact of your music should be followed as a first step. the problem is not so much a matter of what you are doing as it is a matter of how it affects the building.Okay, that you live in a co... | |
Tube Research Labs multi channel preamp Try their web page www.tuberesearchlabs.com | |
Question about Gain, amp power and volume I must agree with Sean in that it is not necessary to have so much power to have really quality audio so you really don't need to turn your knob past the eleven o'clock position to get maximum performance.One interesting note is that your volumn c... | |
cones under your tube amps?? I found a set of cones at a second-hand audio store a while ago. Three of them in a plastic bag; I don't know the brand. I tried them and I really did not notice a difference.Perhaps I should try again. | |
balanced is inherently flawed My McIntosh 2102 has balanced inputs but then it converts the signal to unbalanced which means there is just more adjustment before amplification.Thus, using the unbalanced inputs in this case is better which is the opposite of my Audio Aero Capit... | |
EL34 comparisons please Richingoth;Nice link. Think you. | |
EL34 comparisons please Interesting. I just today rolled my EL34 JJs for Svetlanas. They already had 72 hours burn-in so in about another week of serious listening I might have something to say. I can say that I rolled my KT88s from JJs to a set of well-used Svetlanas an... | |
tube integrated's McIntosh 2102. | |
I need to replace my E34 tube on my Audio Aero Amp My Goodness;I was wondering if I would b getting any replys at all...This morning there were the first two. So, based on these, I put a call into Darryl at Digital Systems who is the Audio Aero factory approved repair-man.He suggested Svetlana, bu... | |
What is the advantage of a balanced interconnect? I have not reviewed the suggested thread so this might be redundant: Another factor is that many amps with balanced inputs are not really balanced at all. They just provide the inputs and then internally convert the signal to unbalanced. |