
Responses from unsound

Thiel Owners
@coop_301 , This link might be of some help: Audio Electronics Review and Measurements Index | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum If you scroll down the column on the far right, you can see the as tested voltage outputs. Keep in mind that is the a... 
Thiel Owners
@coop_301 I had a moment, and knowing that for a newbie setting up what your proposing can be a bit challenging; I found this: Output voltage (Page 1) — ADI-2 Pro & ADI-2 DAC — RME User Forum (rme-audio.de) While RME offers the very nice fea... 
Thiel Owners
@coop_301 IMHO, the high bit internal volume control is preferable to the out board passive pre scenario.  
Thiel Owners
@coop_301, After re-reading my last post, I realized that I failed to mention that the recommendation to use a DAC with internal volume control vs. an out board passive pre was predicated on using a DAC with extra available bits (such as the 32-bi... 
Thiel Owners
@coop-301, @vair68robert offers good advice. This is a subject that has garnered a lot of conversation. As your building your system presently, I'll try to give you the skinny. Please realize that this is somewhat incomplete. First of all, if you... 
Thiel Owners
Going from CS5i’s to stand mounts with tubes could be a very different contrast. B&W’s usually aren’t very compatible with tubes. Just look at Fig. 1 for the 805’s B&W Matrix 805 loudspeaker Measurements | Stereophile.com That rollercoa... 
Thiel Owners
@dsper, Some of the Meadowlark’s have similar design goals as the Thiel’s and are more accommodating of tubes. With that said, some of them used now irreplaceable drivers, and IMHO the Thiel’s are just better, Then again, while I can appreciate so... 
Upgrade McCormack or...
@cheeg, No harm, no foul. Happy New Year 
Upgrade McCormack or...
Ignore his advice, take mine instead, even if it's the same. Sigh.  
Audio research and krell
Some Krell amps actually had an internal jumper to add a capacitor to the circuit when using tube pres to avoid DC issues.  
Upgrade McCormack or...
McCormack and McIntosh typically have a very different presentations. McCormack's tend to be somewhat forward, McIntosh's tend to be laid back. Either might be better suited to different speakers. The Kef 104/2's are somewhat reticent;. I think th... 
Thiel Owners
@coop_301 , Please indulge me as I offer some thoughts. IMHO, the CS 6's play with greater ease and with greater dynamic range than the CS 3.6's, at a very premium price difference (at least when new). If you have a rather large room or intend to ... 
Thiel Owners
@coop_301 , Another consideration is to purchase an amp on the condition that it passes an authorized tech inspection. In which case you might avoid some risk, could get the amp properly updated, and as such eventually save money on at least one d... 
Thiel Owners
@coop_301 , Something to consider; some of these amps are getting up there in age, and might be due for a recapping and perhaps re-biasing. The cost of which may not be inexpensive, especially when considering the weight and corresponding shipping... 
Thiel Owners
@coop_301 , Just to clarify; that with the Thiel’s sonically I’d much prefer the ML to the Crown or Eagle, and many others too. Which is not to say those amps might not be preferable with other speakers. The Eagle would be a great match with more ...