
Responses from v-fi

What happened to Mytek?
This interview is pretty old by now but gives some hints as to the situation and is worth a read:  https://www.highfidelity.pl/@main-924&lang=en Keep in mind this is A) from before Mytek and their partners HEM (who now make Ferrum Audio gear... 
Dynaudio Confidence 20- Owners Thoughts?
Very happy Confidence 20 owner here. I find them very system dependent, which has lead to quite a bit of gear swapping to explore different signatures. They really show you what your components sound like for better or worse.  I tried a bunch of ... 
Ladder Schumann DAC Warning
I've heard that Ladder, Denafrips, and Musician Audio are all made in the same factory with slight differences in the designs. You can compare the specs and buzzwords, this does seem to be the case from what I can tell.  Denafrips will cost more ... 
What's the story with Borresen speakers ?
Most audio gear does not hold value very well at all. Maybe if you sell quickly while a component is still in the "flavor of the month" status, you might do okay. Or maybe if the item becomes highly sought after or a rare classic over the years, i... 
Studio Electric m4
Agree, the M4 is a great speaker, congrats on the new purchase.   
Lamm or Allnic Preamp
The Allnic gear has always intrigued me but it seems very difficult to actually get your hands on one, even at a dealer showroom much less in your own home. Or a least that was my experience when considering them for an upgrade a few years back. W... 
AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it?
I did some quick A/B testing between my older PS Audio Power Plant P5 and the Bryston BIT-15 which is based on a balanced power transformer (it's mostly a rebadged Torus design I think). In my system the Bryston offered noticeable improvement in d... 
Monoprice Monolith Amps
I would also check out Nord, VTV, Apollon, and Buckeye. They all make similar designs based on some of the same Hypex modules (or others if you prefer, like Purifi or IcePower etc).  Check out the looks, the pricing, and see if any of them speak ... 
Short List of speaker Upgrade
Yup, you should really try to listen to each set, very minimum in a dealer showroom situation but ideally in your own home. That's really the only way to be sure. All likely great speakers in their own ways but hard to say which one is best for yo... 
Bryston Model T Signature speakers
I've heard the regular Model T as well as the Axiom M100 which I believe they are based on (or vice versa?). They were both enjoyable, I would say a little bit relaxed sounding, nice dynamics, focus on being smooth rather than ultra detailed, so t... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@mbolek thanks, appreciate your perspective as someone who knows way more than me about the building process.   
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@mbolek Any thoughts yet on the Argentum X compared to the Magnus? I'm very happy with my Magnus, maybe since I have no experience building my own cables. Compared to a half dozen other XLR sets from bigger brands though, it is wonderful. I do hav... 
RCA Interconnect recommendations
I've been really impressed with the Veritas Cables Argentum R interconnects I got a few months back. It's a small new brand that sells direct on US Audio Mart. Not the cheapest cable I own, not the most expensive either, but possibly the best valu... 
Received my Denafrips Venus 15th
Maybe off topic but has anyone gone from any edition of a Pontus to any of the Venus models? Out of the whole line, those two seems so close that I'm not sure what the extra expenditure get us. I have experience with both of them but never at the ... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@maxima95 Absolutely. Even though they are the lower model of the two options I remain highly impressed by them. I can't imagine anyone being unsatisfied with the performance they bring for the price. And that's coming from someone who has tried a...