
Responses from vinylvalet

Food: what does the typical audiophile eat?
Some that I've met eat Schiit.  
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
@markmuse I also ended up with an upper end Widex pair after living with another brand. After dicking around with these for over a year, I prefer listening without them. I'd rather not have the higher frequencies compared to crappy sounding higher... 
Streamer - New Gustard X30
Based on my personal experience, never buy a product like this directly from China. Should it fail, you'll have to ship back to China for repairs which is extremely expensive. Be patient and this, like most of the popular Chinese brands, will be ... 
Best Audiophile/Music T-Shirts
@bigtwin LOL, classic. Just ordered one.  
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
Thanks, Terry. I might try this in one of our production studios as well driving. Looking forward to seeing how it mates with active ATC pro monitors.  
Legacy Signature SE for 2 Channel
@csmgolf I had a similar issue with Focus SEs in my 20'x13' room; a little overwhelming. I found the Signature SE to be perfect in that room. I strongly recommend that anyone considering a Pass amp (excellent products) to also consider the Coda S... 
3 choices for power amp
Nonsense, Shill. Quite the opposite. It's folks like you that cause genuine enthusiasts to not trust these forums.  
3 choices for power amp
@hsounds Not sure why you answered the question privately as others in this thread may have the same question. What exactly does "All I can say it has been tested per your question" mean? Which Coda amp(s)? By whom? Under what conditions?  
3 choices for power amp
@hsounds Have you auditioned the Coda S5.5 along with the Galleon A75 with your speakers in your room, level matched, etc? Or any Coda amp?  
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
@mkreg LOL  
3 choices for power amp
Based on my experience, you are most likely to get the best sound quality by staying within brand. I haven't heard your three choices but have an extremely good, modern class D stereo amp. My Coda S5.5 stereo amp, for not that much more than the... 
High End Repair in Phoenix
Thank you for that valuable feedback. Glad he was able to resolve your issue in such a professional and timely manner. Good turntable guys are hard to find. I'll continue to recommend him.  
When was the last time when serious new instrument was invented ?
All kinds of unique and interesting Eurorack modules coming out weekly.  
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
Interesting and thanks for the heads up. I can't remember the last time Coda did a show. If ever.  
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
You're welcome, Fred. So glad it's all coming together for you so nicely. I can see that you work really hard at getting the best sound quality possible from your stereo.