Responses from viridian
Is this a new trend? I think that this is no longer 1978. Folks entertainment time, and funds, are split between social media, video streaming, gaming, etc. And young folks are not buying houses at the rate that previous generations did (could be the prices), and so a... | |
Suggestions for Preamp Tubes You will get more mileage by replacing the rather pedestrian coupling caps. | |
The new dCS Varese is so good that all others are now relegated to history?? Actually they threatened to sue the reviewer, GoldenSound, but really that’s enough for me. | |
How remove odor from interconnect? White vinegar may work. | |
The new dCS Varese is so good that all others are now relegated to history?? It's a forgone conclusion that dcs has tried to influence reviewers in the past, and that TAS reviewers have been less than candid as well. | |
Copla Step-up Phono transforner. Robert is a frequent poster on the Steve Hoffman Forums, you might consider registering and posting there as well. I believe that his user name is morinix. Good luck with a resolution to the issue. You appear not to be the only one, https://foru... | |
Hum in my system; its the turntable R and L interconnects. Huh? Perhaps try running a second ground wire from the EAR to a screw on the Cambridge. | |
Big Jazz Band Music with Great Sound Harry James made three records on the Sheffield label, all direct-to-disc in high fidelity. Big bands never went away, enjoy the Maria Schneider Orchestra and the Toshiko Akioshi, Lew Tabakin Big Band, for a more modern take on big band music. | |
Help me mod my tube amp A mod is a change to the circuit itself, an upgrade is a substitution of better sounding parts of like value, and a restoration is a return to original condition using original parts. I start with the power supply, high speed rectifiers, film byp... | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? If I could have but one, Oliver Nelson "The Blues and the Abstract Truth." If I could add a second, Ornette Coleman, "The Shape of Jazz to Come." | |
When to change a cartridge? Audio-b-dog, I would just spend the $50 to have it evaluated by a professional, they may tell you they are good to go. Or as you suggest, perhaps if you can't hear it, then it is not an issue. I'm not here to drum up business for retippers. | |
Re-tipping a press-fitted stylus Lew, contact Joseph Long. He can answer your questions from the perspective of someone who has studied this, and does tons of work, and yes, he does work where only the diamond is replaced, rather than just grafting on a new cantilever, but only h... | |
When to change a cartridge? Audio-B-dog, I take no issue with any decisions that folks make and apologies if I gave the impression that I felt differently. As I said what many consider the end of life is a somewhat arbitrary demarcation. And I was quick to point to the dispa... | |
Roy Ayers, rest in peace! +1 | |
When to change a cartridge? Audio memory is notoriously short. For those that want an empirical (sonic) solution, which is actually quite subjective, it is best to just make a recording of the stylus after it has broken in, and then record another sample, with the same recor... |