Responses from vitussl101
Hot Rats Saw him a few times In the seventies at the Chicago Auditorium and once conducting the Chicago Civic Orchestra performing the Yellow Shark plus a rehearsal earlier. My brother was a member in his teens (viola). | |
Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet Leaving Analog Planet? I thought that he was The Analog Planet. | |
Streaming vs Physical Media When I was replacing my damaged speakers and cd player that stopped working, I auditioned them at the time with a streamer and a sacd/cd player, both from Esoteric Audio. My experience with streamers was limited at the time and upon hearing the ... | |
Is there a DAC ranking list? What's the point with a ranking List? "punch above their price category? " Most of the choices, recommendations from just about any corner of the market are subjective. Some reviewers go cheap and cheerful and don't believe in pricey models and... | |
Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation? Besides the equipment specific quips, I think that some of that attitude is alive and well today on this board but thats okay by me. Those Harry Pearsonesque type put downs, as long as they’re witty and not too mean or directed. The last one that ... | |
You know you have audiophile system when... Do you ever think that most of it, the adjectives you used to describe your system are nothing more than a concerted effort on your part to hear those things, aspects of sound in a wishful thinking sort of way? Do other people hear the same improv... | |
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle How many are you replacing? If you are talking about the whole house, almost any good 20 amp Pass/Seymour, Hubbell, etc. with a nylon body will be a large improvement over those bags full of duplex outlets for ten-twenty bucks used by most builder... | |
Best cable for record cleaner, ever I found that the Degritter degritt's the records, creating a more realistic structure to the music when using a tube power supply buffer. As my local audio guru does his voodoo explained, the linear output of tubes, as opposed to transistors crea... | |
The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same? Oh my god, it's you again. Don't waste your breath on this person. I remember you from the Esoteric bashing, headphones as the preferred method of amplifier auditioning thread from a few weeks back attempting to find someone who agrees with you.... | |
I want to move from Rega Planar 6 help me to pick a new turntable I don’t think a single one of your choices is better than what you have. Just because you can’t adjust azimuth and as far as VTA goes, between the adjustment of arm height and downforce, realistically cover enough range in that respect. By adding ... | |
Solid State Phono Stages I'm not going to recommend one, but I have never heard a tube phono stage that did not hiss, even if slightly, and not one quiet enough for a low output MC cartridge. If anyone knows of one, I'd like to know | |
Does Anyone Buy Schiit for the Sake of Schiit? To Schiit or not to Schiit? Shakespeare? Wait, what was the question? | |
I heard a costly system from Esoteric. One more thing, master clock generators or typically known as a word clocks don't speed up functions of the player but take the data stream, samples to an even higher rate of accuracy making for even better sound. Expensive? You bet, but the diff... | |
I heard a costly system from Esoteric. @jackhifiguy, you are not here to learn, you're here hoping to find someone who agrees with you, a kindred spirit if you will, to justify your apparent dislike of Esoteric products but it seems to go deeper as if you were dissed, hurt, by a woman... | |
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to? My brother, before he went off to study the Viola at Indiana State University studied with Milton Preves, a violist who was the first chair in the CSO (Chicago Symphony) Orchestra). He taught students at his home here on the Northshore. I was... |