
Discussions vman71 has started

How's the quality of the HDCD's from China/Ebay483210
Tube cdp's and Tubed Output cdp's794919
Mixing silver IC with silver/copper speaker cable?44434
Opinions on NHT Super Zero and VS-1.2a28291
How's my imaging?492117
Power Cord for Music Hall CD2532839
Subwoofer Cable for a Klipsch RSW-1529773
Review: VooDoo Reference Bi-Wire Speaker cable74643
Sunfire: Holographic Imaging Opinions80327
Help Klipsch Sub connnection to Sunfire Pre-Amp22194
Klipsch LF-10 Placement & Configuration Advice40386
Properly connecting an isotaion transformer422310
How do you know when to use ANALOG vs DIGITAL?437016
Replacing Captured Cords with After Market Cords?25103