Responses from vrao81
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore Speakers that weigh 700 pounds each and cost 6 figures Cables that cost five figures Tweaks that cost 3 or 4 figures Come to think of it, high end audio period! Too much overpriced, overhyped stuff that sounds no better than stuff made 20 years... | |
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles Thought this was an April fools joke 3 months early. | |
Creativity on artists I dislike Britney Sneers Jenna Sis Smashing Bumpkins Jethro Dull Selena Gomez Addams Meta Licker Pant tearer Miles Gayvis New Disorder War runt Coolie Ho BMX S*itney Houston Lady Gaga reflex Stevie Wonderbread Prance Amy Wino Ah Dull David Bowie Knife Carl... | |
Which Vintage CD Player To Use As A Transport? Not sure what tweak1 is talking about. Plenty of old high end dvd players from Sony, Pioneer, Toshiba, etc make great budget transports. They all have coax/optical outputs which all modern dacs have. I personally have a Tascam Cd200 which I picked... | |
Many Questions Need Help I'd suggest a Cavalli Liquid carbon or schiit Jotunheim for your Hd650 for about $200 used and a used Rogue Sphinx for $800 for speakers. | |
Chinese Cables that sound good Viborg power cables buy 1 get 1 free on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Viborg-MBU1606-Hi-End-Shielding-Connector/dp/B08H1LWX5Z?th=1 | |
Suggestions please. Your favorite 3, 12ax7 tubes Raytheon 5751 2 mica black plate with windmill getter are the best 12ax7 tubes. Sylvania triple mica black plate 5751 are 2nd. The Sylvanias are warmer, sweeter sounding. But honestly gold lions or psvanes are the best value. | |
Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation? NAD - No Audio Delivered | |
Denafrips Athena- is damn good I bet you were drunk at a strip club, met a stripper named Athena, and meant to say she was good :) | |
AAD Speakers Was it really necessary to bump a 20 year old thread? | |
Why do Cyrus get such praise from What HiFi??? What Hifi is an absolute joke! The worst audio rag by a wide margin. | |
Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them? If anyone wants to dump their ARC gear for say, $20, I'm all ears. | |
Cats have skills This from audio asylum? Bunch of lunatics over there. | |
What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen? I have not purchased from a B&M since 2004..perhaps you should take heed. | |
CD TRANSPORT THAT MAKES AN AUDIBLE DIFFERENCE If anyone is looking for a cheap transport I picked up a Tascam CD200 for under $100 recently, it sounds significantly better than my old integra dvd player as a transport, using both the optical and coax outputs. The tascam is more musical, detai... |