

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

I Cried Today
@bigkidz Sorry for your loss. As a servicer of (mostly) vintage audio gear, I can attest to the strong emotional connection between the gear and their owners. I can count, literally, dozens of occasions were grown up adults have been brought to... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Years ago, I came across the term "corrective technologies". At the time, it was used in the context of home automation, but the presenter added that we apply "corrective technologies" to many things. Auto mechanics fix things that are poorly engi... 
Audiophiles, Music, and Equipment: Can We Be Both "Conservative" AND "Progressive"?
@stuartk Thanks for taking the time to objectively evaluate the context of the topic. This is a special group of individuals with common interests. Your comments are a validation of that.    
The Hidden Gem at Capital Audio Fest (CAF) 2023!
@bouncehit  Very interesting.  Thanks for sharing.  
Audiophiles, Music, and Equipment: Can We Be Both "Conservative" AND "Progressive"?
@deep_333 Small world. I was raised in KC, got my degree at CMSU, current home (since 1974) Cape Giraradeau, with strong family ties to the St. Louis area. Very good observations. Thanks for sharing. "i tend to be a moderate" If we’re disclos... 
Audiophiles, Music, and Equipment: Can We Be Both "Conservative" AND "Progressive"?
@mahgister "I hate binary classification which so appeal to the narrow part of our working lazy minds..." We’re in agreement here. Which, I believe, was the point of my premise. The words "conserve" and "progress" in their root form are common... 
Audiophiles, Music, and Equipment: Can We Be Both "Conservative" AND "Progressive"?
@mahgister Thank you for the insightful, respectful responses. Would expect nothing less from you. @mahler123 "That leaves out a lot of nuance." Very good point. Agreed. @carlsbad2 "TLDR" I interpreted this as "Totally Logical Delightful... 
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
@asvjerry  "OM Mantra Chanting at 417Hz. OM is the Primordial Sound of the Universe." Any collolation here to your interest in Ohm speakers?  Are your Ohms highly competant at 417Hz?  
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
I suppose my audio obsession has changed from "petal to the metal, racing fuel, throwing maximum boost and timing at it, tettering right on the edge of blowing something up" to "adaptive cruise control" where I’m just safely and quietly integratin... 
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
I’d like to present 2 examples of the extremes in room/enviroment that we were involved with. First, back in the disco era we provided music systems for highly energetic young people at the peak of their physical attractiveness and athletic dexte... 
Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.
Being an "audiophile" creates the perfect storm where a profound appreciation of music meets childlike curiosity about how things work, and how to make them better. They say "you can’t blame a compass for pointing north." And you can't blame an "a... 
What To Do?
I tried something that worked for me. It was the opposite (couldn’t get a response from a customer). Write a nice note and print it, free from animosity, grief, etc. Keep it positive. I tried to make mine light, and humorous. No hard feelings. Ju... 
Is there miracles in audio experience ?
My daily search for intelligent life on this planet often begins with this forum.  Today I was paid back in spades. It's been said that there are no absolute truths; only workable truths and relative truths.  As an audiphile, this can both comfor... 
Are cable “upgrades” just as likely to make your system sound worse?
Taking the OP’s question literally: "Are cable “upgrades” just as likely to make your system sound worse?" the answer is a solid "NO!" They are not just as likely to make your system sound worse." In fact, it is highly UNLIKELY that they will make... 
rocket 88
@deep_333 @hsounds Well stated, gentlemen. I learned something. Just might prove I’m still “trainable” at my age? I would just like to add that a manufacturer (I believe it’s AQ) recommends that if you’re going to use those factory jumpers and ...