Responses from waytoomuchstuff
Top two most important sound qualities @tweak1 Yes’. And yes. 😀 | |
Bass- at what frequency does it change from sounding like a string to just a low tone? @m669326 Here’s my take: I interpret this as "lower midrange issues" at frequencies that are cirtical to your listening. The lower mid is difficult to get "right" in that we are asking the speaker to be both agile (detail) and powerful (moving ... | |
Any Thoughts? One of my vintage cars is leaking oil from the engine, transmission, and rear end. Which one do I tackle first? Or, just buy more pet pads? | |
Top two most important sound qualities @bdp24 As an elderly gentilemen, I am quiet familiar with the term "immediacy". It wasn't until this morning that I was able to connect the phenomena to music. Thank you. @asvjerry I was thinking more along the lines of scorched eyebrows, b... | |
Top two most important sound qualities Space between the notes. Dynamic contrast. Enough detail and resolution that even Stevie Nicks vocals are discernable. (Found this to be impossible for under $100k) Oh yeah. I recently did a survey on A’Gon and got 209 results. Was fun laughing... | |
Center Channel Dialogue Center channel speakers are generally a problem solver, not a problem creator. This one is perplexing. From my perspective: 1) Accurate, high resolution center sound is not leaving the preamp. This has not been my experience with Marantz surro... | |
Why do almost all women today hate home audio? Maybe we have changed over the years? At an earlier time, our musical experiences were more social, shared, and engaging. No "sweet spots", just good sound (and good friends) anywhere, and everywhere. Placing gender differences off to the side fo... | |
Why are these called 5 way binding posts? I count four! Okay. It’s time to get real here. The term "bind" is defined as to "tie or fasten (something) tightly." Anyone who’s tried to shove a Dyson in between a wall and their speakers, whacked a cable, and dislodged a banana connector "binded" to their ... | |
Why are these called 5 way binding posts? I count four! The terminals on my vintage speakers are 2-way. Or, is it 3? I was feeling pretty good about them when I woke up this morning. Now I wonder. | |
Could we get a group of all IRS Beta owners? That would be fun. Wish I was a member of the club, but let these (like many others) pass me by. | |
notable consolidation possibility, should I or not? @sbrownnw "said they cannot list Simaudio on their available products page but really didn’t go into detail why, does anyone know why this would be?" I’ll take a shot at this. As a retired dealer in multiple markets, a dealer may be authorized ... | |
The Marantz Model 15 Amp Nice amp. After the dust settles and you’ve become nice and comfortable with the amp, you may consider upgrading the "captive" power cords with something better. I have a fair amount of handson experience wtih vintage Marantz, and your Heresy IVs... | |
Tim Bachman of BTO passed at 71 BTO was solid and produced many epic songs in their day. The Guess Who’s Undun rates with the best of the best rock/jazz songs of the era -- IMHO. Some threads invite colorful, lively polical conversation (What Became of Magister?). This one not ... | |
Audio Research in Receivership. A lot of moving parts here. Taking the high ground, ARC may have stood firmly by their origional mission statement and operated as such, long after "the numbers" didn’t align with those objectives. As far as Axpona is concerned, there may have be... | |
All Stocked Up and Nowhere To Play I think we may be overthinking this just a bit when we communicate the benefits of vinyl to the uninitiated. For example, if we'd stop referring to record changers as "electro-mechanically engineeered record sequencer and retrieval systems"' and... |