Responses from waytoomuchstuff
Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand? @ghdprentice It appears that I may have overestimated Schiit's value as an A'Gon friendly brand. My bad. Sometimes my inner 9-year-old wants to come out and play and the urge is very powerful. I should do a better job of putting "him" in the co... | |
Rant against the industry with hopes for discussion on positive change Maybe I can offer some items of interest here. Back in "the day" we were unacknowledged technology enthusiasts. It just wasn’t called "technology" back then. We were the original "early adopters" anxious to gobble up the newest and greatest "tech... | |
Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand? Looks like we're oh for three in the Schiit fan club so far. And, yes, I spelled their name incorrectly. Attempts at humor can go either direction. Thanks for the comments. | |
What's going on with the used audio gear market? @hilde45 Your points "d", "e" and "f" are valid points and certainly validate the intangible elements of financial transactions. Under your "probably a bunch of other reasons" listing, items could include: - dissolution of marriage. Just ge... | |
What's going on with the used audio gear market? Anyone who sells below market value is a) not paying attention, b) not very good at 4th grade math, or c) an advocate for the greater good, unselfishly serving humanity. Something else to consider is the replacement cost of those goods. If they a... | |
Amp Internal Wire @rickysnit Congrats on making the correct decision. You may need plastic surgery to get the smile off your face after you make the changes and fire up your amp for the first time. | |
The thing about objectivists is... If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s not an objectivist around to measure it, does it make noise? | |
Where do you want your system to go when you go? My 6'-4" hand-built speakers are a bit daunting for the average living room. On the bright side, when I'm gone they'll provide someone with very impressive outdoor speakers. For one season. | |
Where do you want your system to go when you go? I woke up this morning feeling pretty good about life. Read the thread. Now I'm depressed. I've tried various combinations of mood lighting, surfed the streaming services for various mood enhancing genres, but nothing seems to help. Thought of... | |
Mood lighting for listening When the power indicator lights on my gear come to life it puts me in a netter mood — every time. You guys who who never turn your equipment off must be in a good mood all the time. | |
Many of us want to Changegrade instead of Upgrading @sgreg1 "I did look into bass traps but my wife could not tell if her car was running or not!" Good one. FYI- I use Bose 201s in my boat house. The catfish, turtles and ducks have never complained. | |
Many of us want to Changegrade instead of Upgrading @sgreg1 Bose 901s in the garage? Have you considered upgrading or changing the garage, and keeping the speakers? | |
OK...here's another tweak that really works Well played, brauser. My most memorable "tweaks" are the one's I approached with a high degree of skepticism. Especially those that pegged the needle on my BS meter. Then, "something" happened. And, I think to myself: "I really wish I'd put my... | |
Storage of other speakers in the room, shorting them while not in use? Myth or true? I can’t say that I have first hand knowledge of cones moving when other speakers are playing. But, I can say that I’ve noticed that my wife’s lips start moving when she objects to the music I am playing. | |
Is blasphemous Music ok? I think it's safe to say that we've entered new territory with this one. Repelling a person's most sacred beliefs in the most unglorious and unflattering way is not a way to make new friends. My guess is that the "artists" in the examples here w... |