Responses from wcc10
Tekton Design Lore - Cronus Magnum II Thanks for the response lowrider. I'm aware of ground loops, using cheater plugs, etc. Are you suggesting a dedicated AC line specifically for your stereo system? My last tube amp of course there was a slight hum heard close to the speakers. So t... | |
Tekton Design Lore - Cronus Magnum II invictus005, what's your problem? | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore Agreed. I'm looking around at amps. I have noticed with the Lores that they seem to enjoy more horse power of UL than Triode although I prefer what I hear with the Triode setting. My fear is buying a so-called "flea amp" and not being able to driv... | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore Yes, tweak, tweak, tweak! I've found that I prefer the Lores on the floor, no spikes on a piece of carpet. The furniture in my room is killing me but I have no way around it right now.I also prefer Triode over UL. I too bought the Lores for their ... | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore So I ordered a new OPPO UDP-203 on eBay. They are asking over $2k for the 205 & that's a bit rich for me at this point. But I'm wondering now if the UDP-203 audio quality will be as good or better than my current OPPO BDP-95? I'm aware of the ... | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore Thanks snapsc. Yes I know the furniture is killing me insofar as acoustics go. I really don't have much leeway in that regard unfortunately. But the DAC isn't really something I even considered. My BDP-95 is ancient but, as you know, it's built li... | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore I like that post and I can definitely relate to limiting myself to playing mostly music that sounds good on my system. I suppose we all are guilty on some level to be looking for the speaker or system that plays everything really great. I only hop... | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore Perhaps I have a different meaning for "dynamic" sound. For me that has always meant like a 3d sound stage. And this is what I get with the bookshelves. It is easier to place the different instruments in a 3 or 4 piece band dehind the speakers. Th... | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore jond, you mention "Gain." Could you please elaborate? | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore Yes, more info.First, in UL there definitely is more "umph" obviously due to 2x watts.Room is 22x15x8.5 with lots of furniture & a heavy carpet covering most of the wood floor. Doorway at end of room at direction speakers are pointing. They ar... | |
Match Amp w/Tekton Design Lore I should add that I was hoping the Lores would be somewhat dynamic, maybe not as much as the bookshelves but even on Triode they don't have much of a sound stage. Maybe I'm expecting too much? | |
Best PLace To Buy Chinese Tubes? To reflect on my experience with the Tung-Sol re-issue 6SN7, I came across a review of the Psvane CV-181-T MKII from 2012 by Srajan Ebaen on the 6 Moons website. This is how he described the Tung-Sol;"any longer session should show that this ef... | |
Best PLace To Buy Chinese Tubes? Good input all!Sure, I know I do not have to use Chinese tubes. I've used both Chinese, re-issue Russian & NOS GE.My interest in the upgrade Chinese tubes is mainly due to the fact that I do have 2 Psvane Premium 12ax7s now which I feel greatl... | |
Best PLace To Buy Chinese Tubes? If someone pays an exorbitant price who’s fault is that? True, I suppose that’s correct. And I guess you can put almost anything in your deep freezer and have a go at it. But I didn’t want to start a debate on cryo treated electronics. I just wan... | |
Best PLace To Buy Chinese Tubes? I'm not one to put a lot of stock in Cryo treated electronics. I'm not an expert but from all that I've read I think the jury is out on the benefits and they do demand a premium price. I am curious, though, if the Psvane tubes that became noisy af... |