

Responses from wellfed

Best 2 Channel Amp under 5k
My vote goes for the Atma-Sphere M60 Mk 2.2 but be careful that your speakers are a good match. These are especially incredible when paired with an Atma-Sphere pre-amp. Check out www.atma-sphere.com for details. I have not heard the amps mentioned... 
Best Integrated amp under 1k
Another to check out is the Rega Mira. They have recently introduced a new model, which I have not heard. I doubt it has 5 inputs though. God bless. 
Jan Allaerts cartridges
I would like to hear more about the MC-1, what it sounds like, where to purchase, how long does it take get one, etc. God bless.Question for slawney, do you have any way to quantify a superior phono stage? 
The best CD Player for the money
Check out the Millenium DAC II at tweakaudio.com I have not received mine yet (should be any day now) but am expecting great things. 
OTL ,Transcendent,Atma-Sphere,orBearning
I do not know why post appears twice, especially the second coming 1 day later. 
OTL ,Transcendent,Atma-Sphere,orBearning
I have not heard either the Berning or Transcendent equipment. I use both the Atma-Sphere amps and their preamplifier and find them to be very satisfying. They seem to do everything right. Be sure to audition the amp/preamp pairing if you have not... 
OTL ,Transcendent,Atma-Sphere,orBearning
I have not heard either the Berning or Transcendent equipment. I use both the Atma-Sphere amps and their preamplifier and find them to be very satisfying. They seem to do everything right. Be sure to audition the amp/preamp pairing if you have not... 
REL Hum 60 cycle I believe
I had this difficulty with my Stadium II and it required an amp swap from Sumiko to correct. God bless. 
How do you feel about your system?
Hi Carl. The point to this thread is exactly as stated. For example, when I purchased my amps I noticed a "feeling" very similar to the "feeling" I had when I met my wife. This was and is a very good "feeling". I very specificly want to avoid any ... 
Favorite Christmas Song & Album.
Christmas in the Vineyard. 
My first tube amp! HELP PLEASE!
If you are interested in a single source system a used Rogue 88 with EVS Ultimate Nude attenuators would cost roughly $1,100 and would probably be phenomenal. My brother has the Rogue but I have not heard the Nude attenuators. Check out the EVS si... 
Best reviewers
I find for my tastes, the writing from Marc Mickelson of SoundStage to have a nice balance of passion, knowledge and experience that includes the ability to creatively communicate the essence of what I want to know about a product. I appreciate th... 
Natural sound (REL Subwoofers)
I have used the REL Stadium II with Linn Kan II's and found the sub kept up nicely with the speakers which are noted for their speed. A gentleman by the name of Jerry Siegel has an audio related website with reviews of both the Stadium II and the ... 
Tube Amps for Coincident Super Eclipse
I personally would contact Israel Blume and take his advice. I own the Atma-Sphere M60 Mk. II's and love them but do not own Coincident speakers. My amps are paired with N.E.A.R. 50Me II speakers. God bless. 
tekna sonic vibe absorbers
Has anyone tried the Marigo resonance dots on their speakers? I am using N.E.A.R. 50Me II speakers that have the Tekna Sonic devices already built in. Since these were built into the speaker I am not able to A/B the effects but they sound wonderfu...