Responses from wharfy
Surge protector A very useful/informative thread. I'm sorry that the OP had to endure the power surge, to make this thread happen. Am wondering if anyone knows/has tried one of these? David https://www.brickwall.com/products/eight-outlet-audio-surge-protecto... | |
Ethernet cable for music streaming @cooper52 - I am going to second the recommendations you have gotten from audphile1 and soix. I'll add one more -- have you looked into Network Acoustics ethernet filters? David https://www.networkacoustics.com/product-category/ethernet-filt... | |
Insurance for system Has anyone tried getting insurance from a company that insures musical instruments? | |
A great video on an artist you may not be aware of. Participants include Elvis Costello. I forgot to include Guy Clark! | |
A great video on an artist you may not be aware of. Participants include Elvis Costello. @bdp24 - Terrific video! Thank you for sharing. In my view, he's one of a handful of excellent musicians who are respected but not famous. There are others like him-Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Townes Van Zandt (RIP), Buddy and Julie Miller come to mind.... | |
Andrew Singer Of "Sound by Singer" passed away yesterday Sorry to hear of his passing. He could be as acerbic as he was opinionated, but he knew high-end audio. Sound by Singer was my introduction to the joys of this hobby. RIP. | |
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube? @asvjerry - Dude!!! You are cracking me up. Back in the day, before the Tweakin’ Twenties, it was "etchings." | |
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube? @cey Good info. I did not know that. TY! Anyone remember when "Tubes" was a very, very active category on A'Gon? Pages of NOS offerings. Today, I saw 29 listed. David | |
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube? @asvjerry LOL!!!! A terrific A'Gon post, with my morning coffee. | |
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube? @thecarpathian Yes, yes, yes. You named some terrific tubes. I haven't heard of Simply Italy. Will look it up. When my F-I-L passed we inherited BOXES of signal and rectifier tubes and a Hickok tube tester. I spent the better part of a summer ... | |
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube? @audioman58 Are you the Yoda of A'gon? Or perhaps James Joyce? I re-read your posts multiple times..... Spellcheck and editing would help. Just sayin' And yes, NOS are harder to find. As are good tube testers. | |
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube? @thecarpathian I did a fair amount of tube rolling, with both the AU7 and AX7. I started with new production EH 12AU7-they are ok, are dependable, and very quiet. The Genalex ECC82 is terrific for modern production tubes--good dynamics, resoluti... | |
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube? @thecarpathian - I had a set that I used in a 12AU7/12AX7 Cayin integrated amp. They were very quiet, and warmly-revealing tubes. Mine did not last 40,000+ hours, but I'm not complaining. And yes, they are black-shielded. | |
Who still does mods for CD players @nrchy - bigkidz from Vu Jade Audio does upgrades. He is highly recommended by many A'Goners. https://www.vujadeaudio.com/ | |
Holo May Pre-amp @mikedaniels - Wonderful system you have... I have an ARC LS28SE. I think the tube-based clarity, resolution, transients snap, holographic presentation work well with the May KTE Dac because the sound signature are similar. |