

Responses from wharfy

Surge protector
A very useful/informative thread. I'm sorry that the OP had to endure the power surge, to make this thread happen. Am wondering if anyone knows/has tried one of these? David https://www.brickwall.com/products/eight-outlet-audio-surge-protecto... 
Ethernet cable for music streaming
@cooper52 - I am going to second the recommendations you have gotten from audphile1 and soix. I'll add one more -- have you looked into Network Acoustics ethernet filters?  David https://www.networkacoustics.com/product-category/ethernet-filt... 
Insurance for system
Has anyone tried getting insurance from a company that insures musical instruments?   
A great video on an artist you may not be aware of. Participants include Elvis Costello.
I forgot to include Guy Clark!    
A great video on an artist you may not be aware of. Participants include Elvis Costello.
@bdp24 - Terrific video! Thank you for sharing. In my view, he's one of a handful of excellent musicians who are respected but not famous. There are others like him-Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Townes Van Zandt (RIP), Buddy and Julie Miller come to mind.... 
Andrew Singer Of "Sound by Singer" passed away yesterday
Sorry to hear of his passing. He could be as acerbic as he was opinionated, but he knew high-end audio. Sound by Singer was my introduction to the joys of this hobby. RIP.  
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
@asvjerry - Dude!!! You are cracking me up. Back in the day, before the Tweakin’ Twenties, it was "etchings."  
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
@cey  Good info. I did not know that. TY! Anyone remember when "Tubes" was a very, very active category on A'Gon? Pages of NOS offerings. Today, I saw 29 listed. David  
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
@asvjerry  LOL!!!! A terrific A'Gon post, with my morning coffee.   
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
@thecarpathian  Yes, yes, yes. You named some terrific tubes. I haven't heard of Simply Italy. Will look it up. When my F-I-L passed we inherited BOXES of signal and rectifier tubes and a Hickok tube tester. I spent the better part of a summer ... 
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
@audioman58  Are you the Yoda of A'gon? Or perhaps James Joyce? I re-read your posts multiple times..... Spellcheck and editing would help. Just sayin' And yes, NOS are harder to find. As are good tube testers.    
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
@thecarpathian I did a fair amount of tube rolling, with both the AU7 and AX7. I started with new production EH 12AU7-they are ok, are dependable, and very quiet. The Genalex ECC82 is terrific for modern production tubes--good dynamics, resoluti... 
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
@thecarpathian - I had a set that I used in a 12AU7/12AX7 Cayin integrated amp. They were very quiet, and warmly-revealing tubes. Mine did not last 40,000+ hours, but I'm not complaining. And yes, they are black-shielded.  
Who still does mods for CD players
@nrchy - bigkidz from Vu Jade Audio does upgrades. He is highly recommended by many A'Goners. https://www.vujadeaudio.com/    
Holo May Pre-amp
@mikedaniels - Wonderful system you have... I have an ARC LS28SE. I think the tube-based clarity, resolution, transients snap, holographic presentation work well with the May KTE Dac because the sound signature are similar.