Responses from willemj
Replacement CD Player? If Bluray is not important but occasionally still useful a cheap Bluray player is also a good idea. Unfortunately many of the cheaper ones no longer have optical audio outputs, so you would need to inspect the specifications carefully. Most Playst... | |
DAC for 2016 MacBook Pro Assuming you can get a USB signal out of the Macbook, how about an ODAC usb DAC? It is cheap, compact (ie, portable), gets its power from the usb connection, and measures and sounds very well. Goes up to 24/96. | |
Replacement CD Player? However, the OP does not really need a complete CD player. A normal CD player essentially consists of two parts, the drive/laser assembly that produces a robust digital signal (for years Meridian just like many other high end manufacturers used bo... | |
Wolf Audio music servers A computer is a computer is a computer. Audio streaming does not require much processing power, so even a basic Raspberry Pi will do. There are two qualifications to be made, however. The first is that the more powerful ones necessarily have fans,... | |
Is there any danger in leaving a class D amp on unattended for ten days? https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-0-387-79948-3_1121 | |
Replacement CD Player? The biggest difference is in the audio part. But you have a cheap alternative. Since your Meridian 561 DSC has an optical digital input you only need a pretty basic cd player, as long as it has an optical output (or coax if you are willing to put... | |
Hi Rez Network Audio Once HiRez has been downsampled that is it - end of story. What additional resolution there was is gone. Whether that matters is a different story: there are good arguments in favour of the view that 16/44 is as good as is needed for perfect repro... | |
Replacement CD Player? Oppo UDP 205? It is not only a very fine CD player, but it will also play many other formats, up to and including UHD Bluray (for your opera recordings, or to get good sound playing movies on your TV). It also has additional digital inputs, if you... | |
Is there any danger in leaving a class D amp on unattended for ten days? Apart from the scientific articles that the ordinary Audiogon user does not have access to, here is the wikipedia article on auditory/echoic memory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echoic_memory | |
Dac upgrade? Pioneer U-05? It has variable outputs so it can replace your pre amp. It has multiple digital inputs and both rca and xlr outputs. What do you use as a streaming source? | |
Insight for system build As for a disc player, I would recommend an Oppo UD 205 as it is a very good multiformat player that will also play (UHD) Bluray discs. I at least like to have the sound quality of my main system when I am watching films, and I like the video part ... | |
Throughly disappointed with my new Yamaha A-3000 Integrated....... Even Yamaha's budget AS 500 was unconditionally stable into any load: http://i.nextmedia.com.au/avhub/australian-hifi_reviews_2014_2014-02_yamaha_as500_amplifier_review_a... | |
Is there any danger in leaving a class D amp on unattended for ten days? How can you be sure an amplifier really does sound better when left on? Human sonic memory is not more than a few seconds, so you can only know if you compare two identical amplifiers, one left on for a while, and the other started from cold. To b... | |
Naim -- Fatiguing? Typically Naim gear has rather high input sensitivity, and that may well be responsible for the ’Naim sound’. It suggests that there is more power than there really is, but it also potentially clips the signal, giving that fatiguing result that im... | |
What's on your audio wish list for 2018? A second subwoofer to smoothen the in-room respons even further (I am already using an Antimode 8033 dsp room eq), and to have some more power. |